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The Fake Engagement

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“You know I’m highly successful. I was the top of my class through college. I worked my ass on this place from the ground up. I’m extremely proud of what I’ve done. This is my home.”

“You don’t think of going back home to your folks?”

He opened his mouth to say he would never go home, but the words got stuck in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to say it.

Did he want to go back home?

Living in Westcliffe Heights wasn’t a problem. It was home. It was where his family would be. The very thought of raising kids away from there seemed almost too ridiculous to comprehend.

“Can we move on?” he asked.

“You know we don’t have to do this.”

“I know, but the lies have already begun.”

She shrugged. “You could tell your folks that you panicked and we could move it on from there. Tell them you wanted to impress them or something.”

“Not happening.” He leaned forward, glancing over his own list on Eliza. “You’re an only child, and you don’t see much of your parents right now. Why is that?”

“I’m working a lot,” she said. “I talk to them as often as I can.”

“Any bad blood between you guys?”

“None,” she said. “They’re good parents. They’re nice and kind, and no way in hell do I want them to learn I’m fake engaged. We wouldn’t be able to cancel. My mom would have us married off by the end of the month.”

“She would?”

“My mom wants grandchildren.”

“As does my mom. Do you not want kids?”

“Yes, of course, I do, but right now, I’m not ready to have them.”

“How come?” he asked, intrigued.

She rolled her eyes. “Well, for one, I’m about to be fake engaged to my boss. I’m not seeing anyone, and if I was, I wouldn’t agree to this. The list kind of goes on and on. Do you want me to continue?”

He held his hands up. “Nope. You’re right. Kids are for stable relationships.”

She chuckled. “I would say they’re for people in love, or we can go with stable, but is anyone ever really stable?”

Preston looked at her, not sure if she was joking around or not.

“Kidding.” She laughed. “Lighten up. At this rate, you’re going to end up in an early grave and that wouldn’t be good for anyone. Life is supposed to be fun, right? Living it up and all of that?” she asked.

“Yeah, you’re right. Come on, let’s get down to business.”

He wanted all of these matters solved, and soon. When he finally visited his parents, he didn’t want any slip-ups.

Chapter Five

Eliza was more than thankful for the break at lunchtime. Only, she was driving in Preston’s car and they were heading back to the Italian restaurant, and her friends were going to be there.

She knew her besties would be on their best behavior, but she wasn’t so sure about her boss.

This was … surreal.

Learning about Preston was strange. First of all, he came from a large family, and even though she had some hint of this, she didn’t exactly put two and two together and come back with this.

Not even close.

“Is there anything I need to know about your friends? Any ruse I need to keep up?” he asked.

“They know about what we’re doing. I tell them everything. I don’t keep secrets from them, ever.”


“Ever,” she said. “They know we’re doing this for your parents and also for Mr. Aguire. I’m so sorry about that. It just kind of slipped out.”

“It’s fine. I can imagine it was hard not to break the news to someone.”

She glanced up and saw him smiling. It was rare for Preston Boone to smile. “Funny. You’re a very funny guy.”

They arrived at the restaurant, and Preston got out of the car. She opened her door, and he immediately moved the guy waiting to take the car out of the way, to hold her hand.

“I figured I may as well get used to this,” he said.

She slid her hand into his, and she wanted to deny the electric current that went right up her arm, but it was impossible.

His touch felt … amazing.

Eliza pushed all those feelings to the back of her mind.

He was her boss. That was never going to happen. They had strict rules in place to guarantee it, and she wasn’t going to be the one to break it.

The maître de took them to their seat where Mackenzie and Juliet already sat waiting.

“We only ordered drinks,” Mackenzie said. “We didn’t know how long you were going to be.”

“That’s totally fine. Everything is great. Er, guys, I’d like you to meet my boss and fiancé, Preston Boone. Preston, I’d like you to meet the charming Juliet and amazing Mackenzie.”

He held out his hand, giving theirs a shake. “Charming to meet you.”

Mackenzie and Juliet gave him the stink eye.

Taking her seat, she signaled the waiter. Instead of ordering tequila or something stronger, she opted for a water as a refreshment. Preston did the same.

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