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The Fake Engagement

Page 42

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Woman of ten.

He’d never understood what that meant.

Preston went to his bedroom, finding the door shut. He tested it, but it wasn’t locked.

Opening the door, he looked toward the en-suite bathroom and was surprised to find this door was locked.

Why would she lock this door?

“Eliza, it’s me. Come on, open the door.”

“Is it just you?”

“Of course. No one else would follow me.” It was his family, so there was a high chance someone would. No one had though.

Eliza flicked the lock and opened the door. She hadn’t started packing a bag, so that was a relief.

“I don’t think I can do this.”

“We are doing this.”

“No, lying to your parents and family is one thing, but that Melinda … what is her deal? She is a liar, right? Just someone you all pacify because she has amazing burgers?”

“She is still serving her house special?”

“I’m guessing so. I saw the sign that said the house special and dessert were on offer.” She frowned, shook her head, and held up her hand. “That’s beside the point. We’re not talking about what Melinda had to offer in terms of food. We’re talking about this.” She pointed at her stomach.

“Eliza, unless you’ve been sleeping with someone else, we’re not having a baby.”

“I know I’m not pregnant, Preston. Is she crazy?”

He wanted to tell her not to worry. How people did pacify Melinda, but then he’d be lying.

“Oh, God, I see it in your face. We’re going to get pregnant, and it’s going to be awful. We’re only going to agree to stay with each other for the child’s sake. I feel sick.” She sat down on the toilet, resting her head in her hands with her elbows on her knees.

This was new for him.

Eliza was always so calm and collected. Even in meetings, if they were starting to get heated, she had a way about her to calm everyone down and to bring the meeting back to a reasonable place. He’d never experienced her close to losing it.

He didn’t like it.

“We’re not going to get pregnant, Eliza. For that to happen, we need to have sex, and we’re not doing that, remember?”

“That kiss?”

“That kiss was because my dad knows.”

“He knows that we kissed?” she asked.

“No. The whole family knows we kissed, but he suspects we’re lying and I don’t want him to suspect anything.”

“Has he told you?” Eliza asked.

“He hasn’t needed to tell me. I know my dad. I know what he’s capable of, and believe me, he suspects we’re not an actual couple. So I had to break the kissing boundary.”

“Preston, I have a feeling we’re going to have to break a lot of boundaries. Your family is so nice, and they know you so well. Why couldn’t you have come from a family that didn’t care?” she asked.

He laughed. He couldn’t help it. “I’ll try to remember that the next time I’m being born.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just freaking out. I’ve never been to a psychic before. I didn’t even believe in them.”

“Melinda doesn’t consider herself a psychic.”

“She doesn’t?”


“Then why does she demand to hold someone’s palm?”

“She only does it when she gets this feeling. If she doesn’t feel anything, then she doesn’t ask for anyone’s palm. It doesn’t happen often. It is rare.”

“I don’t know, that seemed to freak me out,” Eliza said.

“Do you not want kids?” he asked.

“Want kids? I do. I want so many of them. To have a house full of them, you know. I want to be a mom, but I want to find the right man who wants the same things I do.”

“I get it,” he said.

“What about you?”

“Honestly?” he asked.

She nodded.

“I want dozens of kids.”

Chapter Ten

“So that’s three of your ten?” Mackenzie said.

“Can we not talk about that stupid list I made all those years ago and focus on what this Melinda woman said to me? You guys are my rock. You need to pull me down from the ledge,” Eliza said.

“Hate to break it to you, you’ve locked yourself in the bathroom while the family is getting ready for dinner. Don’t you think they’re going to assume you’re taking a number two?” Juliet asked.

Eliza wrinkled her nose. “I said I was also changing into my swimsuit. Perfect explanation for being in my room, and I didn’t say I was going to the bathroom.”

No, she’d locked the main bedroom door, then the bathroom door, just so she could have a private conversation with her two best friends.

“I want to meet this Melinda,” Mackenzie said.

“Me too.” This came from Juliet.

“Neither of you are going to meet her because you’re going to tell me that what she says is lies. I’m freaking out right now, and I need my two best friends to be logical. Not wanting to come and get your palms read.” She groaned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. You can come down, by all means. I wouldn’t mind.” She would have loved the company.

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