The Fake Engagement - Page 47

“I know this isn’t going to come as any great surprise to you, you’re the boss. You can decide where you want to live.” She placed a hand on his arm. “It’s time for you to make the decisions that will determine your happiness. What do you want out of life, Preston?”

She removed her hand and covered her mouth. “I’m so tired.”

“Get some sleep.”

“Do you think you can keep your hands to yourself tonight?” she asked. “Do we need to put up a wall of pillows?”

“I can’t help it if I’m a cuddler,” he said.

Eliza tensed. “What did you say?”

“I’m a cuddler.” He pressed a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell anyone.”

“Are you joking with me right now?”

“Nope. I do like to cuddle. I don’t do it with just anyone,” he said.

Eliza frowned at him. “You are a mystery, Preston Boone.” She rolled away from him.

He wanted to reach out and touch her, but he didn’t. His cock was already rock-hard, and it would be keeping him company for the next few weeks.

Chapter Eleven

Some guys liked to cuddle.

It was no big deal.

So what if being able to love snuggling and cuddling was on her list of ten things for the perfect guy. That meant nothing.

Eliza followed behind Preston, pleased his family had other plans that day. They’d woken up in another precarious position.

Preston’s body flush against her. One hand on her hip, the other cupping her tit again. She’d woken just before him, instantly aware of her body. She’d had boyfriends in the past. Not the kind of boyfriend that stayed the night. She’d never shared a bed with a man for many hours.

Sleeping was such a private and personal thing. The truth was, she didn’t know if she farted throughout the night. It was a crazy fear to have. Who cared if they released gas at night? She imagined most people did, but the thought of a guy being put off by that, well, it kept her away from spending the night.

Two nights.

She’d broken her rules.

He hadn’t said if she did … and it was too embarrassing for her to even ask.

This was crazy.

This was her parents’ fault. One morning, when she was seventeen, she’d woken up to an argument. Her dad had farted throughout the night, and her mother had been awake, and offended. At which point for the next hour over breakfast, they traded insults, which ended with them making up.


A phobia was born that day.

Of course, she was also trying to distract herself from the fact Preston had kissed her twice. During both kisses, she’d become highly aroused, and this morning, she’d felt her pussy grow slick.

The temptation to rub her ass against his cock was so strong.

Three times, she’d felt Preston’s cock.

He wasn’t small.

No, he was big.

Bigger than she thought possible.

He’s your boss.

This is all fake.

You are never going to have sex with him.

Sex comes with the risk of getting pregnant. Remember Melinda’s premonition.

Preston had woken up before she wriggled. This time, they hadn’t freaked out. He’d apologized, removed his hand, and they’d pretended like it didn’t happen.

He was the first man to snuggle with her. She didn’t know why she’d put it on her ten list when she had such a fear of breaking wind throughout the night.

She was crazy.

This was insane.

“Not too far,” Preston said.

After another family breakfast, his parents had said they were heading out of town for a couple of days, to pick a few things up. His brothers and their wives had a few events they wanted to take the kids to, leaving her and Preston alone.

They had not stayed inside the house though because their acting needed to still be in top performance as Trudy had declared she was staying.

She and Preston still had to play the part of a devoted couple.

It was after Trudy announced she was staying that Preston told her they were heading out on a trek.

This had started at the back of the house, heading into the woods.

“You’re not going to murder me, are you?” Eliza asked, stepping over a fallen thin tree.

“Why would I do that? I can pay someone to do it for me.”

“Comforting thought.”

“We don’t have much further to go.”

“So let me get this straight, you would rather go walking in the woods than stay at home with your sister. Why?”

“In case you didn’t notice, my sister does not believe in personal boundaries. With no family there, she’d ask all kinds of questions, and I’m not willing to talk to her about any of it.”

“Like what?”

“She’d ask for more info on you, on us, and seeing as we’re kind of winging this at the moment, I didn’t think you’d appreciate me adding more craziness to the list. Also, it looked to me like you wanted to get out of the house.”

“All sound arguments, and I will say, all correct,” she said. “Not that your parents’ house isn’t great. It is. You know it is.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024