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Beyond the Bases (Out of Reach 1)

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“Now what?” she asks.

“Well, I have a surprise for you. It’s this way,” With her hand in one of mine, and our purchases in the other, we head toward Build-A-Bear. When we stop outside the store, she shrieks.

“East! Can we go here, can we?”

“This is your surprise.”

“I love you,” she says, launching herself at my legs and wrapping her arms around them, squeezing me tightly.

I see a few patrons raise their cell phones to get pictures. Her shriek must have tipped them off. Either that or someone from one of the other stores must have put it on social media that I was here. Ignoring them, I guide Paisley into the store. “Okay, princess, let’s build that bear.” We spend a few hours building the perfect bear and picking out accessories. We opt to get cookies to go, and grab something for us to eat at my place. She’s exhausted and I get no arguments. Apparently, bear making makes you so, so tired. We make one more stop for some Bath & Body Works lotion and body spray for Larissa, then head home. We’re barely out of the lot before she’s fast asleep.

When Easton left with Paisley, all I wanted to do was sit around and cry. My laptop, which is as old as I am—well not really, but I bought it used and it was outdated then—keeps freezing up. It’s taking me more than double the time it should take to get these assignments in. To top it off, I yelled at my daughter and took my frustration out on her. I feel so damn guilty. I feel guilty that Easton has her for the day when I’m her mom. I should be able to handle this, but this week has been rough, and I just… lost it for a little bit.

Needing to get out of this house before I go stir crazy, I pack up my laptop and books, then pack a bag with my swimsuit, and some clothes. I throw in the essentials and something for Paisley as well. I know she packed her bag, but she’s four. It’s hard to tell what she put in that thing. At the time, I didn’t care. I just needed a break. I hate that feeling. I love my daughter more than life, but damn, it felt like the walls were starting to crumble. Easton showed up just when we needed him.

That brings me to now. I’m sitting at Easton’s dining room table, my laptop and books spread out, music playing on my phone, and a glass of wine in hand. I hesiatate before drinking it, knowing I need to drive us home later, but I know Easton will let us stay here, or drive us home. He’s solid and dependable, and everything I could want in a man. That made it easy to fall head over heels in love with him. Too bad I’m too big a chicken to tell him.

I hear the garage door open and decide it’s time for a break. My damn computer has been frozen in the same spot for the last fifteen minutes. I have to wait it out. Then I can type some more. Every time I save or get on the Internet while typing, it does this.

Standing, I meet them at the garage door. What I find melts my heart. Easton has a sleeping Paisley in his arms, rubbing her back as he carries her into the house.

“Hey, baby. You get any work done?” he whispers, taking P to the living room and laying her gently on the couch.

“Not really. Technical difficulties.”

“I heard about that. I think I have a solution.” He stops in front of me, bends and presses his lips to mine. “Be right back.” I watch him go back out to the garage, only to come back in with his arms full of bags.

“What is all that?”

“We went shopping.” He sets the bags on the opposite end of the dining room table from where I’m working. “This is for you.” He hands me a Bath & Body Works bag. “This i

s also for you.” He hands me a large bag from the Apple store.


“I wanted to get you something that you’ve been needing to make things easier for you. P said you were yelling at your computer. She also said you mentioned it being on its last leg, but didn’t want to tell you computers don’t have legs because you were sad.” He smiles.

“This is too much.” This man with a heart of gold, how can I ever repay him for what he’s given us? Not the gifts, but the steady shoulder to lean on, the laughs, the hugs, the kisses. If I didn’t already, it would be impossible not to fall in love with him.

“It’s not. I told you, Larissa, I want to take care of you. I have the means to do these things. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I knew you were struggling, spending hours more than necessary because your computer was shit, and could afford to make it better? That’s what I’m doing.”

“You make our lives better. You don’t need to spend your money on us.”

“Noted, but I’m going to regardless.” He reaches out and cups my cheek. His thumb strokes gently. “I care about you, about both of you. I want to do this. I want to help.”

I can feal the tears building. “Thank you, I’ll pay you—” He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine.

When he finally pulls away, his voice leaves no room for argument. “No, you will not. This was a gift to you. My girlfriend.” He hands me the bag again. “Now, open it and set it up, so you can kick this assignment’s ass. While you’re doing that, I’ll show you what else we bought.”

I sit back in my chair, box in hand and just stare at him. Is this really my life? He bought me a new computer.

“So, P said she needed some new shoes, but not until it gets colder. We went ahead and got her a pair. I made sure they fit then went a half size bigger in case her feet grow between now and then. I remember Mom doing that with my little sister, Pepper.”

“Easton,” I breathe his name as tears prick the back of my eyes.

“And this,” he ignores me, “this is for you. P and I thought that you would like something new that smelled good.” He grins pointing to the bag from Bath & Body Works.

“I got this, Mommy,” Paisley’s sleepy voice greets us.

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