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Vicious Proposal: A Dark Mafia Romance

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He looked like a depressed linebacker. His eyes were hooded with deep, dark bags, and his hair was a casual mess. He was big, with broad shoulders and a handsome face. I held a hand up in greeting and he mirrored the gesture, not moving from his place beneath the light. I stood at the edge of the glow’s circle, feeling bold only because Palm was nearby, and if anyone could keep me safe from an Oligarch, it was her.

“I’m getting a lot of visitors tonight,” I said.

He cocked his head. “Someone else came to see you?”

“Nervosa. Wanted to talk.”

“Ah.” He nodded to himself. “Figures.”

“Liam, right? Liam Quest?”

“And you’re Melanie Orchard.” His shoulders slumped forward. “Nervosa should’ve told us who you were at that meeting.”

“Probably, but he didn’t.”

“No, he didn’t.” He studied me carefully. “How do you like school so far?”

I laughed. It was such a normal question, and so out of place coming from him. “It’s okay, I guess. It’s weird acting like a normal person.”

“I bet that’s nice.”

“You’ve never gone native before?”

“Never had the chance. Dad died when I was ten. Mom took over the family for a while until I turned eighteen. Been an Oligarch for as long as I can remember.”

I whistled softly. I’d heard about something like that happening, but I didn’t realize it was Liam. “My condolences.”

He made a dismissive gesture. “What’s Nervosa want with you?”

“Great question. I was hoping you’d know.”

“Nobody knows that that prick wants.” He smiled to himself. “Not even him, I suspect.”

“Are you four close? You seem like you all know each other well. Better even than my brother and all them.”

“Close?” He seemed to genuinely consider the question. He stroked his chin, frowning. “No, I wouldn’t say we’re close. I don’t think any of us are capable of closeness.”

“I’m not sure what that even means.”

“We weren’t made that way.”


“Made, raised. It’s the same thing, isn’t it? Your parents try to mold and shape you. Some things take, some things don’t. I think our ability to form true human connections was severed a long time ago.”

I let out a surprised laugh and crossed my arms as if I could hug myself tightly. I understood what he meant, but it sounded strange, something so philosophic and melancholy coming from such a brutal-looking man.

“Why are you here, Liam?”

“I wanted to meet you. I hoped I might warn you as well.”

“Warn me about what?”

“Silvano.” He didn’t move, but he seemed to grow larger, like the name summoned something from inside of him. He shifted, arms spreading. “He has a plan, and I think you’re a part of it, but I don’t know how.”

“The drugs. I heard you all vote on it. You were in favor, if I remember right.”

“Drugs, guns, girls, the form doesn’t matter. It’s the end result. War’s coming, sooner or later. Silvano wants to be the one to strike first. He wants to go on the offensive. I agree with his strategy, if not his tactics. Blitzkrieg. Hit them hard and fast. Lightning offensive.”

“What are you talking about?”

He grunted, shook his head. “Nothing. Sometimes I ramble.”

“You said Silvano’s plan has something to do with me, but I only moved here recently. He must’ve been plotting this for months.”

“It is strange, I agree. I admit that I don’t fully understand what he wants with you, but your name has come up—”

“He mentioned my name?”

Liam nodded slowly. “During planning. He mentioned your family. He wants to target your brother’s territory first, and he requested that I make sure you stay far away from Nervosa until it’s too late.”

I took a step back, fear dropping into my stomach. Liam didn’t move, but the way he looked at me sent terror curling into my toes.

This man was sent to stop me from doing what I already agreed to do. Silvano didn’t want Nervosa to speak with my brother. I didn’t know how they’d figured it out, but Liam was here to put a stop to it.

If they wanted a war, murdering me would be an easy way to get it.

But Liam still didn’t move. His hands were visible, clasped in front of him, and he remained at ease. His eyes darted to the side, as if he were looking for something.

I followed his gaze. Palm was crouched in the gloom across the way, leaning over a bench. Something gleamed in her hands.

“Looks like your bodyguard has a rifle aimed at my chest,” Liam remarked as if he were commenting on the pleasant evening.

“Looks that way.” I stared at Palm, shocked that she’d make such a public display of force. A student could wander past and see the gun—but she must’ve thought this was worth the risk.

“As I said, Silvano asked me to keep you from Nervosa, but I haven’t followed his orders, and I don’t think I will. I understand Nervosa’s hesitation, and I share some of his reservations. Only, I’ve been convinced by Silvano’s reasoning, and I plan on seeing this through. So I’ve come to make a request.”

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