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Oil Rig

Page 21

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I love him. So fucking much.

I truly can’t get enough of this man.

I can’t believe we get to spend the next two weeks together here in paradise (if we’re ever able to leave this damn room!) and I really can’t believe that we get to spend the rest of our lives together.

That makes me so happy. It makes my heart feel so light like it’s going to float out of my chest.

“Alright,” Shane says as he pulls his bathing suit back up, hiding that thick beautiful cock from me. “I think I’m ready for a dip in the pool now.”

“You sure?” I ask with a teasing grin as I turn onto my back and look up at him. “We’re not going to have a round four?”

Something changes in his eyes as he roams them over my naked body. Maybe it’s the palm trees all around us, or the way my skin is glistening, or the different position my body is in, but he changes his mind.

He unties the knot and that bathing suit drops back down to his ankles. His cock springs up long and hard. Again. This man is insatiable. He’s waited so long for me and I guess he’s making up for the lost time.

“Round four sounds like fun,” he says as he grabs his big dick and comes forward.

There’s not much I can do in front of an insatiable beast like him, except for open my legs, take him in my arms, and enjoy the ride…



* * *

Six months later…

* * *

I’m gripping the rope tied to the side of the boat as I look back at my Janice. There’s a fierce look on her face that’s brimming with excitement as we race toward the illegal fishing boat that’s been poaching whales in the area.

I was totally against this for so long. I don’t want my girl anywhere near danger, but this is who she is and I have to accept it. She wants to protect the sea creatures as much as I want to protect her. So, I agreed to let her go on the next Marine Protectors mission only if I was able to accompany her. I’ll be her bodyguard. No one will come close to her.

My hands clench into fists as Tyler steers the boat closer to the ship in the distance. They start accelerating when they see us coming. There are four boats and our goal is to break the bright lights they use to lure in the whales.

That’s the Marine Protectors’ goal. My goal is to keep my girl safe and to bust a few jaws to make them think twice about coming back here and endangering the most precious thing in the world to me.

“Hold on!” Tyler says as we start hitting the waves that the ship is making. I grab onto Janice and hold her tightly as we bounce around on the waves.

“Hold the boat steady!” Janice shouts when we’re riding alongside the ship. She grabs the long pole and jumps to her feet. She’s a firecracker and I adore her. I watch her in awe as she starts smashing the lights.

This gets the poachers’ attention and three of them come running over. They’re big and muscular from a lifetime of manual labor, but I’m livid inside as they dare to head for my girl. I leap onto the boat and rush at them. I knock one in the jaw with a hard punch and he drops unconscious to the ground.

The two others leap on me, but I throw one over my shoulder, slamming him into the metal wall. The other one grunts as I grab him by the throat.

“Were you going for my girl?” I growl in his face.

His eyes widen and he says something in a language I don’t understand. His voice is frantic as he tries to peel my hand off his throat. It doesn’t budge.

Two more guys are headed for Janice, so I punch him in the stomach and then knock him out with a hard right to his chin.

I rush over just as they arrive. The small guy grabs the pole Janice is holding and they have a tug of war over it. She holds her own as she struggles to rip it out of his hands.

The bigger guy is between us. He squares up with his big meaty fists in the air. I bulldoze through him, pushing him off the boat with a shove. He splashes into the water and gets caught up in the current. I glance back and see him catch the netting on the side. Unfortunately, he’ll be fine.

The small guy releases Janice’s pole when he sees me advancing. He reaches behind him and pulls out a knife.

“Watch out, Shane!” Janice screams when she sees it.

“It’s going to take a lot more than a little knife to stop me,” I growl as I step forward. He steps back with fear in his eyes.

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