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Staying in Vegas (Vegas Morellis 1)

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My eyes are peeled for Sin as soon as I step inside, but I don’t see him. I feel like I’m returning home from having an affair, and as confused as I am—when I certainly wasn’t this morning—I need Sin’s dark, brooding face to center me. As much as I want to be his good girl, I feel like I’ve been a very bad girl today. Maybe Sin should spank me until I remember how to behave.

Shaking off the little bite of arousal that mental image stirs, I make my way up the stairs into the living room. “Sin?”

Rafe follows me up the stairs. Sin doesn’t answer, but once I get to the top, I look over and see him sitting alone on the couch. He’s not sitting back against the cushions relaxing, but sitting on the edge with his head hanging, like he’s been waiting.

At the sight of him, guilt multiplies and wrecks my stomach. I forget that I need to take these strappy heels off, forget the nice time I had with Rafe, forget everything but wiping that horrible, solemn look off Sin’s face. Walking around the couch, I take a tentative seat next to him and rest my hand on his thigh to get his attention.

“Hey,” I say, softly.

His dark gaze slides to mine, but I can’t tell what he’s feeling. I sense sadness, but I don’t know if it’s real or I’m conjuring it from the guilt I feel. Displeasure seems the most obvious feeling. Yes, definitely displeasure. Even though I feel bad, Sin did tell me I could go with Rafe this morning. He assured me on the phone that he was fine with it, told me to go and have fun.

Right now he does not look like a man who is happy I went out and had fun. I didn’t think it was a good idea either, but he swore it was fine.

On instinct, I scoot off the couch and drop to my knees in front of him. He still doesn’t speak, but his eyes follow me as I crawl between his legs, placing a hand on each of his thighs, and wordlessly seek his approval.

At first, he doesn’t give it to me. He just watches me through hooded lids, maybe to see if I’ll stay here or move. I dimly realize Rafe is standing just off to the left, watching, but now that Sin is here, I’m focused. I have a mission, a purpose, a need to make sure he’s all right.

Finally, Sin reaches his scarred hand toward my face and caresses my jawline. I sigh with relief, sinking into his touch. Even though nothing sexual is happening, my loins stir. I think it’s the submissive position, perhaps the behavior. I didn’t think about it at all, I just came in, read the vibe, and responded.

Fuck, maybe I am a submissive. Rafe told me I had tendencies, but I haven’t researched it myself, so I’m not sure what all it involves. I can’t think of a rational reason to explain what I just did, though. Or why it turns me on—that’s probably the weird part.

Whatever I am, Sin is a little less alone than he was when I came in just a minute ago, so I don’t care. I don’t require labels anyway; I like what I like, and if Sin likes it too, great.

Finally speaking, Sin turns his head to look at Rafe and says, “Thanks for bringing her home safely.”

“My pleasure,” Rafe says, rather easily. Holding up my bag of books so I can see it, Rafe says, “I’ll just leave these here by the wall, kitten.”

Out of my peripherals, I see Sin’s hand clench into a fist on his thigh as Rafe utters the nickname he gave me. Absently placing a placating hand over his fist, I nod my head at Rafe. “Thank you.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Rafe tells me, before making his way back down the stairs.

Sin raises his eyebrows at me, but waits until he hears the door click shut behind Rafe to ask, “Tomorrow?”

“Maybe. Nothing is set in stone. When we were at the bookstore today, we realized I never saw Rafe’s library. He said we should come over tomorrow night for dinner and he’ll—and I can see it.”

Sin’s hands trace the curve of my jaw, almost absently. “Did he, now?”

I nod, but go ahead and add, “If you want to, anyway.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t care if I want to,” Sin remarks.

“But I do,” I assure him.


I nod my head, inching further between his legs so I can get closer to him. “Of course.”

“Why’s that?” he asks, idly.

I sense an invitation lying beneath his words, and I really want to accept. “Because I love pleasing you.”

“Yeah?” I nod. “Do you think you pleased me today?”

Certainly not. Since I can’t say that, I give him a devilish little smile and tell him, “The day’s not over yet.”

Sin gifts me with a little smile, and I lean in to kiss his ches

t. He’s wearing clothes, but I kiss him right through the fabric, kissing my way up to his neck. My whole body responds when his hands press against my back, pulling me closer. His arm locks around my waist, but then he hauls me against him as he stands.

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