Because of You (Because of You 1) - Page 67

"Nope, I stole it," he responded, also standing. "You want to see it?"

I couldn't decide if I was more shocked or more excited. Nobody had ever done anything like that for me before.

"Derek, it's too much! I can't accept a car!"

"Well, I don't have any use for two of them, so you better. Come on," he said, taking my hand.

He bought me a car? How could he buy me a car? Who did that?

"Now, the headlight on the passenger side still needs replaced, I was planning on fixing that before I gave it to you, but I just got the headlight in the mail today, so I still have to fix that. Other than that, it drives and considering its age, it doesn't have incredibly high mileage."

When he opened the door, I saw that instead of his car, there was a little red Ford Tempo sitting in the driveway.

"It's mine?" I asked, not able to contain my excitement as I ran outside in my slippers to get in the driver's seat.

He smiled, following me out and sliding into the passenger side. "Yep, all yours."

"You are completely amazing, you know that, right?"

Derek nodded a little. "I've been suspecting."

I rolled my eyes, still insanely excited. "You're the best," I said, throwing my arms around him and giving him a kiss.

He chuckled, saying, "Careful, you'll make my head so big I won't be able to get out of the car."

"You should not have done this. I am extremely happy that you did, but you definitely shouldn't have. Not only did you outdo me, but you spent way too much on me."

"I got it really cheap," he said. "I picked up a couple extra shifts... no big deal. Anyway, you're worth it."

I could only stare at him, so bewildered that he cared about me enough to actually buy me a car. To me, a brand new car right from the factory couldn't have been better than that old red Tempo.

"You're the best," I said again, leaning over into the passenger seat and giving him a deep kiss.

"So I've heard," he murmured, kissing me again. I was so caught up in the moment, with all the excitement and the extreme fondness I was feeling for Derek, that within a couple minutes I was stretched half across the car, him half on top of me as his hand slid up my shirt.

"Wow, this i

s not comfortable," I remarked as he pulled down my pajama pants.

"Not as bad for me," he said. "But then, I'm not stretched across the car like you are. We could get in the backseat," he suggested.

I smiled. "No, we'll claim the front seat first. The backseat can wait for another day."

"I like the way you think," he said, unbuttoning his jeans.

"This is kind of fun," I said. "We've never done this before. Other than the backache I'll probably have tomorrow, this is an interesting new position."

He no more than got the condom on and his cell phone started ringing.

"Oh, hell no," he said, pulling it out of his pocket and frowning at it. His frown deepened when he saw the name, although I didn't see who it was.

"Do we need to stop?" I asked, thinking it might be important.

He tossed the phone into the backseat and gave me a little smile. "No one's that important."

I grinned, working my fingers into his hair as he started kissing my neck.

Shortly after we broke my car in, Derek checked his voicemail to see what the person who tried to interrupt us had to say. I don't know what they said, although I noticed him scowling the whole time he listened to it.

Tags: Sam Mariano Because of You Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024