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Beautiful Mistakes

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Besides, it wasn’t like she wanted to be with anyone but Matt.

When Matt got to the apartment Julie was the only one there, and as soon as she saw him she felt a strange lifting feeling, and she couldn't seem to get to him fast enough to wrap her arms around him and just hug him.

"Whoa," he said, chuckling. "Miss me?"

"I want to get out of here. Could we hurry? I don't want to be here when Jack gets home."

"When does he get home?" Matt asked, releasing Julie and following her inside.

"He should have been here already, so anytime."

They got right to work hauling boxes and Julie's suitcase, but they only got the first two loads out, and in the middle of the third and final load Jack came moseying through the door.

"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye, now were you?" Jack drawled sarcastically as he hung his keys up on the key holder.

"Yes," Julie stated unapologetically.

"After all we've been through?"

"Especially after all we've been through," she stated, picking up the last box.

But Jack wasn't even looking at Julie, his attention was on Matt. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jack, Julie's boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend," she reminded him, walking forward so he might get the hint and move.

He stayed where he was. "You must be Matt," Jack went on, his gaze locking with Matt's in a falsely friendly gesture, his eyes like chips of ice. "The husband, right?"

Julie merely shot Jack a dirty look.

"I'm surprised your wife is so… amenable to the idea of Julie moving in."

"Live-in nannies are fairly common," Matt responded coolly.

Jack scoffed, a knowing smirk curving his lips. "I'm sure they are."

"Jack," Julie said, a slight warning in her tone telling him not to go there.

He caught Julie by the arm, stopping her as she tried to walk out the door. "I'm going to wait for you for two weeks. I'm not going to sleep with anyone else, regardless of what you're doing. I'm going to be patient and wait for you to come back. After two weeks, I'm going to start seeing people, but if you realize you've made a mistake after that… I'm still here."

Averting her gaze, Julie shook her head and said a bit quietly, "Don't wait for me, Jack. I'm not coming back."

"Yes you will. You always come back to me. It isn't in you to do this, Julie. You're not this kind of person. You're a good person, you don't sleep with married—”

"Stop," she said harshly, squaring her shoulders and shoving past him, out into the hallway.

"She'll be back," Jack said to Matt. "When you're done playing with her, she's going to come back to me."

"Whatever you say, man," was Matt's indifferent response.

"Not that it matters to you," he went on. "You don't care about her; you're married, why would you? When you're fucking her tonight, you're not going to care that I was fucking her last night."

Julie felt her heart slam in her chest, and all she could think about was getting away. She didn't even take the time to deny it, she just made her way down the stairs as fast as she could, hoping that if she ever got the nerve to look in Matt's face again, there wouldn't be accusation there.

About two minutes had passed before she was forced to look at him as she got into his car. Her gaze slid sideways, stealing a glance at him.

"He was nice," Matt said a touch sarcastically. "Are you sure you want to let that one go?"

"What he said wasn't true," she said, finally deciding she would just deny it.

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