Beautiful Mistakes - Page 102

Aaron's words flashed to the forefront of Julie's mind, and for just a second, she wondered if she could honestly guarantee she was out of the way.

Honestly, she couldn't.

She did want to be done with Matt, but deep down it seemed that there was still a small part of her that wanted someone on her side.

Why she thought Matt would ever fit that profile was beyond her, but it seemed that there was a small part of her that hoped he would. Julie didn't like having Emma's offer there in her mind all the time—she was half-tempted to hope that when Matt found out he would be mad and he would overrule Emma, taking the offer off the table so Julie didn't even have to think about it again.

Smiling a little as she thought about the chances of that happening and how incredibly slim they were, she went out to clear the table for a family that had just left.

Still, she was going to have to remember to give him a call.

Chapter Sixteen-

The next day Julie had to work 11 to 3—another completely ridiculous shift, but she got to work with Leigh, and it was the first time since the party, so she wanted to make sure Leigh wasn't mad at her for dipping out in the middle of the party.

She didn't get a chance at first, because a couple of people came in with her, so she had a table to take care of as soon as she clocked in.

But she didn't even mind, because for the first time ever, she got to witness Aaron smile when he saw her walk in the door, and she was reeling from the joy of it.

Maybe she would have to give Leigh a hug.

When she first got to speak to Leigh, nothing was even said about the party—it was as if Leigh actually avoided the topic, but in a totally nice and guileless way—and they skipped straight to small talk.

It wasn't until close to 2:30 when Aaron left the restaurant to go somewhere—Julie never actually knew where Aaron was going when he left—that Leigh watched him disappear from sight, and then she instantly made her way over to Julie.

"Hey," she greeted brightly.

Julie smiled at her strangely. "Hi."

"So, I wanted to ask how you enjoyed the party but I didn't want to do it while

Aaron was around. How did it go? You guys seemed to be getting along."

Nodding, Julie said, "Oh yeah, Aaron has no problem with me when he's drunk off his ass—thanks for that," she said, smiling.

Leigh chuckled. "He's so funny when he's drunk. Did you guys say goodbye? I didn't realize you guys were even gone, but then I couldn't remember if you said goodbye or not."

"Oh, no, sorry, we didn't. We kind of had a…misunderstanding, and I went to leave, then he came too…"

Leigh nodded. "I know how it goes. I figured you probably wouldn't want to stay too long—too many drunken people in one room."

Smiling, Julie said, "I'm actually kind of used to it. My ex was a heavy drinker, and I've never really been into it, so…"

"Well, regardless, I'm glad you came."

"I'm glad I did, too. Thank you for inviting me," Julie said.

Leigh nodded, but it looked like she wanted to say something else.

Julie waited patiently, aware of the gap of silence that they had fallen into.

"So… did you ever ask him what you wanted to ask him?" Leigh finally asked.

Frowning slightly, Julie said, "About what?"

"I thought you wanted to ask him about Shannon. Remember, you asked me, but I couldn't tell you…"

"Oh! Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that," Julie said, rolling her eyes at her own faulty memory. "Yes, I did ask him about that on the way home."

Tags: Sam Mariano Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024