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Beautiful Mistakes

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"I agree," he said.

"In fact… I was even thinking maybe we could get professional maternity pictures done. I know it's kind of corny, and I want them done when the baby is born, too, so it might be an unnecessary expense, but I would pay for it out of my own paychecks. I was thinking, you know how some couples get the pictures taken of the baby bump and the dad with his arms around the mom, hand on the belly, that kind of thing? It could be a cute idea."

"No, I agree," he said. "We should do that."

Smiling, she said, "I'm so glad you're as into this as I am. I want to do it before my bump gets enormous though, because eventually this fat is going to start spreading to my face. I would prefer to immortalize the glow before I'm the size of a mini-van."

Before long, the doctor made his way in to ask her questions and take her measurements to make sure the baby seemed to be growing how it should be.

It seemed like it took forever for him to tell them he was going to wheel in the ultrasound machine and see if they could bring a visual up, and then he asked, "Did you guys want to know the gender or do you want it to be a surprise?"

"We definitely want to know," Julie replied, and Aaron nodded his agreement.

"Okay, let's see if we can find out for you," he said with a smile, walking from the room.

When he came back, he rubbed the jelly on Julie's abdomen and began moving it around. The baby showed up on the screen, and Julie gasped at the difference in size.

"Wow, he's getting so big!" she said, grabbing Aaron's hand and squeezing.

"I guess the nickname Poppy Seed isn't very fitting anymore," Aaron remarked, smiling at the screen.

The doctor pointed out different parts of the baby and told them about the baby's growing, then he measured the baby and told them everything appeared to be going well.

"Well, can you see what it is?" Julie asked.

Smiling, he said, "I sure can. Sometimes they're difficult, but I actually have a perfect view here." Then he glanced back at them, prolonging the suspense, then he pointed to a little spot on the screen and said, "You two are having a baby girl."

Squealing a little, Julie squeezed Aaron's hand and said, "It's a girl! Aaron, it's a girl!"

Aaron was grinning from ear to ear as well as Julie bounced his hand up and down, gazing at the ultrasound machine.

"I'm so excited. I didn't want to give my preference before, but I was hoping for a girl. Little Alyssa Jane. Oh, Aaron, are you glad it's a girl?"

"I would've been happy either way," he stated honestly.

"But are you really happy that it's a girl?" she prompted.

Chuckling at her excitement, he said, "Yes, I'm really happy that it's a girl. Alyssa Jane…Kingsley."

Noticing the way he hesitated on the last name, she remembered their previous disagreement over which last name the baby should have.

Knowing Aaron's preference, Julie made a snap decision as she looked at Aaron and then the screen.

"You know… Alyssa Jane Turner is a very good name, maybe even better than Alyssa Jane Kingsley. What do you think, Daddy?"

"You're giving her my last name?" he asked, visibly excited by the idea.

That made up her mind, and she grinned. "Yes, I think we should give her your last name." Glancing at the doctor and then the screen, she said good-naturedly, "Don't you think she looks like an Alyssa Jane Turner, doctor?"

Smiling, he said, "Yes, she sure does."

Aaron was still holding her hand as the doctor printed out some pictures, and while the doctor was occupied with the machine, Aaron lifted Julie's hands to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

"Thank you," he said simply.

Hugging his hand close to her and looking at the screen, she said, "No, thank you. For everything."

He leaned down and gave her a proper kiss on the lips then, and he straightened back up as the doctor brought the ultrasound pictures to show them.

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