Beautiful Mistakes - Page 216

"Take your time. When you finish those I'm probably going to make you do applesauce."

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Aaron, this child is going to come out 15 pounds just because I'm never allowed to move."

"No arguments," he stated, giving her a firm look and then heading over to check on Leigh's last table.

Shaking her head, Julie took her seat and went to work finishing the tartar sauces, trying not to think about the evening she was going to spend at home alone while her boyfriend went out for drinks with the girl who was in love with him.

Her boyfriend, the very amorous drunk…

Yeah, that was a great idea.

Then, battling off those annoying thoughts, she glanced over at Aaron, adorable in his loose fitting jeans and white t-shirt, and a slow smile spread across her face.

No, that wasn't a good way of looking at it.

Aaron, her devoted boyfriend and father to her little Poppy Seed was going to go try to clear up a misunderstanding with his best friend.

Yes, she decided, scooping up a heaping spoon full of tartar sauce. That was a much better way of looking at it.

Chapter Twenty Six-

That evening instead of going to bed, Julie browsed about 800 websites about everything baby related

that she could find from baby name meanings to how to deal with the terrible twos.

Nothing was making the night go any faster.

It wasn't that she was worried anything was going on—she wasn't worried about that at all. For one thing, if Aaron wanted to be with Leigh, he would have done it before he met Julie.

Also, Aaron was simply not that kind of guy.

It just wasn't a comfortable feeling, knowing he was out there somewhere having drinks with another woman.

But she understood why Aaron had to go. She even wanted him to fix things with Leigh.

She just wanted him to do it quickly and easily during daylight hours.

When 1:31 rolled around, she was having a really hard time keeping her eyes open. Giving up, she turned off her laptop and crawled into bed by herself, deciding just to relax and try to wait up for Aaron there.

Within minutes she had fallen asleep, and it wasn't until a little after two that the noise of Aaron coming into the bedroom, shutting the door and undressing caused her eyes to open again.

"Hey you," she murmured sleepily.

Smiling, he crawled into bed beside her, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a light kiss on the forehead. "Hey."

"Did you have a nice talk with Leigh?" she asked, trying to force her brain to fully wake up so he could fill her in on the details.

"As nice as it could be," he replied, yawning.

She waited for him to go on, but after a few seconds of silence she realized he wasn't going to. "Well… are you going to tell me what happened?"

"I just did my best to talk Leigh out of the idea that she was in love with me."

"How'd that go?" Julie asked ironically.

"Well, she's been holding onto it for a long time, so she's not eager to let it go so easily, but I could tell a lot of the things I said to her made sense. By the fourth drink, I could tell I was getting through to her."

"How's that?" Julie asked sleepily.

Tags: Sam Mariano Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024