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Beautiful Mistakes

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"I don't… think Aaron wants Matt to come here."

"Yes, well, having my husband see you when I'm not present really isn't my ideal situation either, but even if I pushed my flight back, I would still have to be at the airport by one. There is absolutely no scenario in which I can keep Anna until Matt gets home. I… need someone to watch her. If you won't do it, put Aaron on. He is her uncle, after all."

"No, it's… I'll do it, I'm just surprised you asked me," Julie replied, thinking that it seemed a little strange to be talking to Emma on the phone at all, let alone being asked a favor.

"Yes, well, if I had any better options I wouldn't have, but you're better with Anna than anyone else I might have asked, and now that you're with Aaron, especially considering his past with Matt, I know that you're well supervised. If we're going to be family, we might as well make the best of it, hm?"

Thoroughly repulsed by the mere thought of being considered Emma's "family," Julie could only grimace.

"Anyway, I'll bring her over to you. I already have her bag all packed, and I have a cab on the way here now, so we should be there in about 15 minutes at most."

Glancing down at the blankets, Julie figured she should probably drag herself out of bed and put on some real clothes. She was, after all, going to be faced with Emma, no doubt looking totally glamorous even as early as it was.

Emma hung up without saying goodbye or thank you, and Julie rolled her eyes, putting the phone down on the end table and dragging herself into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, maybe throw on a quick coat of make-up.

Halfway through her primping routine she realized she should probably call down to the doorman and tell him that if a vicious looking blonde with a baby came in, he should let her come up.

Once that call was made, she went in and pulled on some pants and a maternity shirt, trying not to feel like a whale and dreading seeing Emma because a.) she was Emma, and b.) seeing Emma's slim figure would make Julie feel even larger than she already felt.

In no time at all and there was a sharp knock on the door. Julie made her way over there and opened it up, trying not to notice as Emma took in Julie's maternity-clothes with a disgusted curl of her lip.

How could someone asking for a favor be such a bitch?

It boggled the mind.

"Nana!" Anna said excitedly, pointing at Julie and then looking at her mom. "There!"

"Yes, she's right there," Emma replied succinctly, hoisting Anna off her hip and putting her down on the ground.

Toddling over to Julie, Anna hugged her around the leg and said, "Nana."

Feeling as if she might just burst with joy, Julie bent down and picked Anna up, holding her on her hip and giving her a kiss in greeting.

Not bothering to hide her annoyance, Emma thrust the black and pink tote at Julie and said, "This should be enough to take care of her until Matt gets here." Then, reaching into her purse, she extracted a fifty dollar bill. "And this is for you. I would normally pay better, but let's face it, you owe me."

Taking the fifty dollars, Julie didn't argue, she merely turned and put it down on the kitchen counter.

"When Matt comes to pick her up, do not talk to him. If you must, tell him something concerning Anna, but… other than that, don't."

"Trust me, I have no interest in talking to your husband," Julie replied, toying with one of Anna's little blond locks.

"Good," Emma replied. Leaning in to give Anna a very brief peck on the cheek, Emma said, "Well, I have the cab waiting, so I have to go. You have my cell number in case of emergency, and Shirley will be able to take Anna tomorrow because she's on her antibiotics already, so you're only needed to watch her today."

"All right," Julie said with a nod.

Nodding once, Emma spun around on her heel and just as quickly as she had appeared, she was gone.

Sighing in relief, Julie shut the door, locking it and looked at Anna. "Well, now that that's over, what do you want to do?"

"Cah!" Anna said passionately, pointing at the notebook lying open on the coffee table.

Grinning, Julie took Anna into the living room to find out what she was trying to say, deciding just to enjoy the completely unexpected—and unlikely to happen again soon—opportunity to visit with Anna.


When Aaron came home for lunch, he was brought up short by the cute little blonde who immediately ran over to the door, pointed at him, and said, "No!"

Holding his hand up in mock surrender, he peered around the corner and said, "Julie, why is my niece here?"

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