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Beautiful Mistakes

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"Well, you did," Julie assured him. "I'm pregnant, Aaron. We're going to have a baby."


Shrugging, she said, "I don't know, I guess it's just one of those fluke miracles."

He merely blinked, looking down at his hand on her stomach. "Are you… absolutely sure?"

"I am absolutely sure, honey. I am definitely pregnant—I waited until the blood test came back to tell you because I wanted to be sure. I didn't want to tell you when I just suspected, because I knew it was highly unlikely and I didn't want to get your hopes up and then leave you disappointed if I was wrong."

"We're having a baby?" he asked in awe.

"We're having a baby," she verified, glowing.

"We're having a baby!"

"I know, I got the memo," she said teasingly, leaning in and giving him a little kiss. "I've been trying to decide how to tell you, and then when you came in I got this creative little idea… but no, you had to ruin it."

"Nothing could ruin this," he informed her happily. "You could have kicked me in the balls before delivering the news and I would still be this excited."

"Well, just wait until I'm in labor, you might get your wish. For right now, I'm very excited. Alyssa has been making subtle comments lately about wanting a little brother or sister and I've been wondering if we should look into adoption, but before I even had a chance to bring the idea up to you, I realized I was late."

"And Matt's still in New York," Aaron replied ironically.

Leveling another dirty look at her husband, she said, "As far as I know, but that's not funny."

"I know, I'm sorry," he said, still smiling as he tugged her closer, only sounding half-apologetic.

Deciding to give him a little bit of a hard time, she leaned back, not letting him pull her too close. "Although, you know, since he and Emma are finally getting divorced, maybe I changed my mind…"

One black eyebrow shooting up, Aaron said, "Don't make me lock you up and throw away the key. Alyssa will be deeply confused if I morph her bedtime story into a version of Rapunzel instead."

"I think she might also wonder where Mommy went," Julie lightly joked.

Grinning, he said, "I can't believe you're pregnant. And the doctor said everything looks okay, looks normal? And he's sure you're pregnant?"

"Absolutely positive. I assure you, I was quite a pain in his ass. He finally brought in the ultrasound machine to show me the baby on the screen. We have a second poppy seed, my love."

For a moment, Aaron only stared at her, shaking his head with a certain light in his eye.

Twining her arms around her husband's neck, Julie leaned in a little and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Tenderly brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear, he replied, "That ever since I first met you, you've been making the impossible in my life… possible."

"I'm good that way," she teased, leaning in even more and giving him a lingering little kiss.

"You certainly are," he murmured in agreement, securing his arms even m

ore firmly around her waist. "I think that it's my job as a husband to show you just how grateful I am."

"Mm, that sounds promising," she stated with a little grin as he walked her backward toward their room. "We still have lots to discuss though. We have to tell Alyssa, too, and your parents, I guess," she added grudgingly. "I don't know what names we should consider, and we have to decide about the nursery—”

"There will be plenty of time for all that later," he informed her firmly. "Right now I just want to enjoy my wife and the perfect life she's given me."

And he did.

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