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The Hustle (Irreparable 4)

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“Tug . . .”

“Don’t call me that,” I snap, my voice full of warning.

The nickname no longer suits me. It belongs to a man who’s funny, carefree. A man blind, engulfed in reckless stupidity and ignorance. A dead man I’ll never allow to rise from the grave, garnering control over me with his pathetic need to feel loved by the false attention of women.

“Aidan, I know you’re hurting, but I need you to listen to me.”

“Don’t talk to me about what you know. You don’t know a damn thing. You have your happy little family.” The anger buried inside of me harbors plenty of rage for Tori. Though I try to understand her illness, accept that her intentions were never to come between me and Maria, I feel the nudge of hatred trying to claw its way out and strike. Her solemn expression reminds me she blames herself enough for the both of us, awakening my guilt ridden conscience. “I’m sorry.”

“I want to help you get her back.” She smiles, although her eyes frown. “I think if I talk to her, she’ll understand.”

Tori would be the last person Maria would listen to.

“I don’t want her back. She had her chance and she never showed up.”

Her head tilts to the side as her gaze appraises me. “I don’t understand.”

I never explained to my family about the note I sent Maria, or Sid finding Maria with Eduardo, exposing the truth of who that bitch really is. Her betrayal’s been my secret. Only now I feel the urge to release a bout of anger that’s been pent-up inside for months.

“That whore isn’t coming back. I had Sid deliver a note, asking her to meet me. She told him she hustled me to help her father.”

“You’re sure that’s what she said?” She looks at me like I’m a child that just misconstrued the message.

Eduardo and Maria are together. “Yes, I’m sure.” When she still doesn’t look convinced, I add, “Eduardo’s alive, Tor.”

“What?” she shrieks. “Oh, my God! How?”

“I have no idea, but like a fool, I went to the meeting point anyway. I waited there from open to close.”

“I can’t believe it.” She shakes her head as her eyebrows knit in confusion. “Something’s not right. Maria loved you.”

“No,” I shout, the vein in my temple bulging with the mention of love. “She’s a damn good hustler. Her and her father.”

“Why would her father need your help?”

“So he could get out of the cartels.”

“Then why is he still there?”

Her question swims around in my thoughts. The only plausible answer; one I don’t want to continue dwelling on. Maria hustled me so her, her family and Eduardo could funnel money from the cartels to spend as they wish.

Remembering how effortlessly Maria led me astray gives me an idea for revenge—on all of them. The hustle they’ll never see coming.

“Aidan . . .”

“Fuck, I don’t know, Tor. Maybe because Alejandro Torrente is a fucking psycho.”

“Don’t take your anger out on me!” She stands, taking Little A from my arms. “None of it sounds right to me, including you moping around. Fight back. Figure out what the hell’s going on, because I’d bet my life Maria didn’t betray you.”

I stand, scowling at the one woman I haven’t banished from my heart, although I should have many times. She softens me, which makes me feel weak. “You’d be wrong, but I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

“Look,” she begins, pausing to put Little A in his playpen, “the woman who stormed out of this house a few months ago was not playing you. She was beyond angry. That kind of rage comes from the fear of losing someone or something you care deeply about.”

Her efforts are sweet, if only to ease her own guilt, but she’s wrong. If Eduardo weren’t alive and well—maybe, just maybe I’d believe Maria cared about me. I want to. I even need to. However, for my own sanity, I can’t.

“I appreciate you trying to cheer me up,” I say, kissing her good-bye on the cheek, “but, I’m afraid revenge is the only cure for what ails me.”

Her eyes widen as her hand grips my arm. “No. What are you gonna do? Please don’t go to Monterrey.”

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