The Hustle (Irreparable 4) - Page 17

As the father of my child left my room, there was something different in him. He’d softened. I don’t know how or when it happened, and I don’t know why. His sudden shift offers me an opportunity that I plan to take full advantage of.

“I don’t want to be alone,” Peyton says, looking out the window of the car to the front of the hotel. In all honesty, I don’t want her to be alone. I want to keep her close, call her mine, and make sure no one ever hurts her. But how could I protect her from me? I’ll have to figure that out later because for the moment my desire to protect her outweighs any of my fears.

Before the doorman reaches Peyton’s door, I pull away and say, “Then you won’t.” She glances across the seat with a smile so beautiful a shiver skitters up my spine. “You’ll stay with me.”

She quietly thanks me and returns her gaze to the window.

It is said that people come into your life for a reason and I believe Peyton showed up when I needed her most, like an angel in waiting. If even only as a distraction from the day-to-day hell I’ve been living, Peyton serves a purpose. She’s a new path and new beginning. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to fuck her, but I’m not going to. Her world’s been turned upside down and I’m going to fix it, make it whole again and prove to myself that not all women are born from the seeds of evil. That I can be near a woman without fucking her.

Mike tails us into the garage at my building. He instructs us to follow him up so he can secure the loft before we go inside. Peyton’s hand trembles as I take it in mine and guide her inside the building. As we walk, I whisper in her ear that she’s safe, smiling when her hand relaxes.

Once the loft is cleared to enter, Peyton and I go inside, and I leave her to put her things away in the guest room. When I return to the front room, my angel’s curled up on the couch, sleeping soundly. Her calm breaths bring on a smile as I know her ability to fall asleep stems from feeling secure with me . . . in my home.

Sid texts that he has two men patrolling the lobby and that JT is taking care of things at Peyton’s place. As I relax into the chair behind my desk in my pink office, I release a long breath. The new tattoo on Maria’s shoulder pops into my mind and sends a sliver of hope to my heart. Between Tori’s words and that tattoo, I question if there’s more than one hustle at play in the convoluted world of Eduardo Montez.

For the first time since Maria bailed on our future, I question if she did so voluntarily. What she told Sid was possibly a message and not a declaration.

Sometimes you don’t see the hustle coming until it’s too late.

Anger kept me from seeing the truth, but now in a rare moment of clarity all of the pieces fall systematically into place. I’m convinced Maria was the hustled, not the hustler. But was it Eduardo, or her father that perpetrated the con to steal her from me? I consider our time with Mr. Torrente, knowing his love for his daughter would never allow him to hand her over to Eduardo. He must have had no choice. Or did he? And I’m a lovesick idiot still caught in a web of deception that will eventually lead to my demise?

Nothing is clear like I thought, even though Eduardo basically provided me the truth. He claims he rallied the other cartels to his side to save his own skin. He knows about the deal I made with Torrente and the hand he sent as a threat proves he’s ruthless enough to keep Maria and her entire family hostage.

She and Javier have to be prisoners in the mansion. That’s why she never contacted me and why she never made our meeting. It has to be. I cling to the assumptions I’m making as they represent the only chance I’ve felt in months.

If I’m right, I failed Maria and Javier. It’s time I quit wallowing in self-pity and make it right. Even if Maria wants nothing to do with me and can never trust me, I will set her and our son free. With a plan in full swing to do just that, I pick up my phone and call Eduardo to let him know his message has been received.

“I’ve been expecting to hear from you.”

The gloating in his voice reveals pride, as though he believes he owns me now. It would take more than a threat for me to cower to this piece of shit.

“Your message has been heard. Our arrangement is not a play for my personal gain. Our business together is intended to make both of us a lot of money and give you a chance to start over. Nothing more. Your men didn’t need to trash Ms. Miles place to prove you’re in charge.”

“I’m happy knowing your girlfriend will keep both of her hands, but I assure you, ransacking ones place isn’t my style. I prefer a stronger method of proving I’m in charge as I’m sure you’re aware.”

His response was expected. I’d already concluded he didn’t have anything to do with the break-in at Peyton’s. “I am aware, but I also had to ask given the timing. And she is an employee, not my girlfriend.”

“Irrelevant. You care or you wouldn’t have called. I’ll look into the break-in,” he says as a show of good faith.

He wants me to believe we’re partners and since I need him to, I agree, although I’m sure he’ll see his doing so as a favor I’ll need to repay. “I appreciate that.”

“Good. As for our business, I’ve couriered over the paperwork you asked me to fill out, and wired the money to you. How long will it take?”

“I’ll need sixty-days.”

“Very well. It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Hunter. I would be remiss not to mention the consequences should you have other plans. Ms. Miles is not the only woman in your life that is disposable. The blonde and the baby that live near the beach are also being watched.

The edges of my phone dig into my skin as I squeeze the phone before replying, “Stay the fuck away from my family.”

“Don’t cross me.” His final threat comes before the line goes dead.

The screen cracks when I slam the phone into the desk. Anger engulfs my senses, vibrating against my skin as my heartbeat leaps.

I won’t rest until Eduardo is dead, and he unknowingly gave me the ammunition I need to make it happen. He put the words out there and I recorded each one. He admitted to wiring money to me and the reasons will be suspect among the other cartels when the time is right.

Soon, Eduardo Montez will be a distant memory and my family will be free from his grasp.

“Are you coming to lunch?” I ask, entering Eduardo’s office quietly.

Tags: K.J. Bell Irreparable Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024