The Hustle (Irreparable 4) - Page 37

I need one more to be certain. As I try to think of something another text comes in.

M: Come on. You thought I was a barista or worked fast food. You asked to feel my kitty. It’s me.

T: Maria.

M: Yes. Please, whatever you’re planning, don’t go through with it.

T: I have to, but I don’t want you to worry.

M: Eduardo was in the lobby at your place the night I left you. He threatened to kill you and my father if I didn’t leave you and go with him.

T: I’m going to get you and Javier out of there. We’re going to be a family again.

I answered immediately and without a second thought of the woman, who moments ago, I was all in with. The angel standing beside me radiates concern. She knew this day would come, and I would be forced to make a choice. Sadly, she also knew it wouldn’t be her.

M: I want that but I’m scared. My time is up. I have to go, but I’ll text again soon. I love you.

Maria loves me. And just like that, those three words alter the future I had been looking forward to with Peyton. I can’t even look up because I know she is going to hate me. I have to go with what’s in my heart.

T: I love you, too. I never stopped loving you.

I type the words and as I set the phone down, Peyton comes into focus immediately, not providing me a single moment to sort my thoughts. She brought the phone to me, knowing there was a chance it would mean losing me. And now she waits to see if that’s what’s going to happen. Regrettably, I think it is, but I’m confused.

“Thank you for bringing the phone to me.” She stares at me silently, waiting for me to elaborate on what the texts mean for our future. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Neither do I.” I catch her covering her mouth with her hand as she strolls away from me.

The door to the bedroom closes and I slam my hand onto the countertop. I love Maria beyond reason, but there’s a part of me already falling in love with Peyton. Maria’s love pulls just a little bit stronger and I hate myself for spending all this time with Peyton. It was wrong when I have unresolved feelings for Maria.

My cheeks hurt from smiling, but my joy diminishes as I focus on the reality of my situation. Tug believes he’ll win, but I’ve seen Eduardo come back from the dead on more than one occasion. He’s a weasel with the ability to maneuver any situation. Eduardo plays the game more ruthlessly that Tug.

I find Marco and carefully slide the phone into his pocket before I take Javier up to bed. My mind races with worried thoughts as I lay my head on the pillow.

There has to be a way to protect Tug

I’d give my life to protect him.

I laid awake most of the night watching Peyton sleep. Now I sit next to her at a loss for how to feel or what to say. How can I carry on with her when I know there may be a real chance to put my family back together? For the

first time, I understand how Tori felt. She once said that she was in love with both me and Brady and it was killing her.

I can’t say I’m in love with Peyton, and I hate knowing I’m going to hurt her. The thought of not having her in my life is what kills me. If there’s a choice to be made, I always choose wrong. My gut told me to steer clear of Peyton, but I chose my needs over hers. I craved how I felt around her, like I was whole again, so I took from her without considering the consequences. My poor choice is blowing up in my face and the only one who will get burned is Peyton.

“What’s on your mind, handsome?” Her sleepy gaze rakes over my face, sending shards of guilt slicing through my heart.

Time to man up and own my mistakes. “We need to talk.”

Her brow knits as she sits up hugging the sheet to her chest. It’s as though she forgot about last night for a brief moment and now reality is raining down on her. The ache in the pit of my stomach cripples me. Her eyes move back and forth over mine as I seek the courage I need to be honest.

“You want her back, and now she wants you, too.” Sarcasm attempts to mask the pain in her voice.

“I never wanted to hurt you.”

She presses her warm hand to my cheek. “Then don’t.”

I take in a deep breath and allow the words to flow out when I exhale. “Maria loves me.”


Tags: K.J. Bell Irreparable Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024