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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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“All the liquor in your house, and you don’t have anything for a headache?”

“Of course I do.” Jesse pulls a beer from the fridge and twists the top off. “Hair of the dog.” Jesse guzzles on the bottle before offering it to me.

I shake my head and fill a glass with water from the fridge. “You do know what time it is, right?” I ask.

Jesse shrugs. “I’d say it’s noon somewhere, but truthfully, I don’t give a shit.” He picks up the bottle of beer and takes another swig.

Why are we friends again?

My hand covers one eye as my head continues to pound through the socket. “I’m gonna head home and get some pills and a shower.”

“You can shower here if you want,” he offers.

I groan at the thought. It’s bad enough I have to use his toilet to take a leak. “Not until you get a maid. Your shower is in dire need of some bleach.”

“You’re such a chick, man. It’s not that bad.”

I look up at him with a disgusted face. It’s more than that bad. “I can write my name in the scum on the walls.”

His lips leave the bottle, and he holds it in the air in a toast. “Like I said, total chick.”

“Whatever. I’m going home to shower in a sterile environment, and then I’m thinking of taking the skis out today. You game?”

“Hell, yeah!” He cheers loudly. Extremely loudly. I grimace and turn to leave.

“I’ll be back to pick you up at one.”

“Later, man.”

Once I walk out of his front door, sunlight hits my eyes and I squeeze them shut. I silently remind myself not to drink quite so much.

On my drive home, I think about what Jesse said last night. The reason I came home is to tell Tori how I feel about her, but I’m not prepared to do it. Maybe I’m getting closer, though. After last night, I owe her an apology at the very least. It hit me when I remembered how awful Jake treated her and how much it still affects her. I hadn’t treated her any better, and I hate myself for it. She may smack me again and tell me to stay away from her, but it’s worth a shot. The fiery-tempered girl is who she became after Jake, and as sick as it is for me to think, it makes her even more appealing.

Chapter 7


Nothing smells better than a coffee shop. Well, except, maybe a book store. The Ocean Bean serves a scrumptious mocha. It’s the perfect place to start our job search, because if they aren’t hiring, at least I can get my fix. The inside is modern and funky, with red walls and mismatched vintage lighting fixtures. There’s a small velvet couch against the side wall and small chrome tables throughout. It’s not busy at the moment, and I assume it’s because the morning coffee rush is over.

A guy we went to school with comes through a back door, carrying a box of Splenda packets in his hands. He was a grade ahead of us in school, and of course, I can’t remember his goddamn name. His head lifts, and his expression suggests his own recollection of names comes quite easily. He sets the box on the counter, and wipes his hands on his apron. “Hi, Tori, Liv, how are you?”

Why am I so goddamn bad with names?

“Hey, Harrison. What’s up?” Liv’s friendly voice

saves me. Harrison, that’s it.

Harrison’s tall, his light-brown hair streaked with sun-bleached highlights from living at the beach. His eyes are a light brown, like coffee with just a hint of cream. I smile at the thought, since we’re standing in a coffee shop.

“What can I get you guys?” His dimples dig into his cheeks, and I surprise myself by thinking he’s pretty damned cute. How did I miss that about him back in school? Jake the cheating ass ex-boyfriend is how. It doesn’t matter what I notice about Harrison. After Jake and Brady, I’ve sworn off guys forever.

“We’re not here for coffee.” Liv smiles. She thinks he’s pretty cute, too.

“Speak for yourself! I’ll take a mocha.” I giggle. What in God’s name? I just giggled.

“A mocha it is, Tor.” He smiles sweetly.

A strange little prickly sensation creeps up my neck. I ignore it. Harrison slides back behind the bar, and begins making my mocha. “One shot or two?” he asks.

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