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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

Page 19

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“Thanks, Harrison. See you later.” Liv waves to him over her shoulder.

“See you girls tomorrow. Have fun this afternoon.”

Once we’re in Liv’s car, she watches me, but I don’t turn to her. She starts the car and backs out of the spot. I know she’s dying to start the “please go out with him” speech.

Liv has her elbow propped against her side window and is twirling a lock of hair around her fingers. Oh, yeah, it’s killing her. Surprisingly, Liv makes it several minutes before she speaks. “So, Harrison’s pretty cute, huh?” Oh, she’s trying to play it casual.

“He’s all right. I didn’t notice.” I act just as nonchalant, hoping to make the nosy little pest squirm.

She slaps the wheel, laughing. “You’re so full of shit, Tor. He’s totally hot, and he’s totally into you.”

“He is not.”

“He is, and you’re into him, too.”

“I am not!” I feign offense, but my face breaks out in a smile.

She shakes her head and turns on the radio. Commercials are on, so she keeps the volume low. It’s a commercial about erectile dysfunction. Liv and I laugh during the part about seeking immediate medical attention for an erection lasting longer than four hours. Right, if a guy has a hard-on for that long he’s celebrating, not driving to the E.R.

When she stops laughing, I’m reminded she’s still riding me about Harrison. “You suck at denial. You blushed more than once, and you were giggling. You never giggle.”

I laugh. “Right? I can’t believe I did that. It doesn’t matter if I think he’s cute. I’m done with guys, remember?” Why is this not sinking into her thick head? I’ve only told her about a thousand times during the last year.

She sighs heavily, like my unwillingness to date is tragic. Maybe it is a little. “So…what, are you going to date girls now?”

She didn’t mean to open the door, but since she did, I can’t resist the chance to mess with her. “I think not! They’re even worse. No, I think I’ll just live alone with a cute little dog and borrow your husband if I need anything done around my house.”

“It’s time to get over him,” she says. How many times is that today? I’ve lost count.

“It’s hard. Jake’s the only guy I’ve ever been with. I don’t even know where to start with someone else.”

“You just go with it. It’s exciting being with someone new and getting to know them.” Liv should know – she has “someone new” as often as she buys shoes. And she has a closet full of shoes.

“I think we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves.

It’s not like Harrison asked me out. That was all very mild flirting.”

“He’ll ask you out,” she says confidently.

I shrug.

I try to ignore her by fiddling with the contents of my purse. I find some Chapstick, pull the lid off and offer Liv some. She shakes her head. I apply some to my lips, replace the cap, and toss the tube back in my purse. Each time she turns her head to look at me, I shift and glance out the passenger window. She finally sighs. “Promise me, Tor. If he asks you out, say yes.”

I cave because it’s easier than arguing. “Fine… If…he asks, I’ll say yes.”

Her squealing’s so loud it hurts my ears.


I’m mildly disappointed Tori’s not home. As I rub the side of my cheek, I realize it’s probably safer for me that she’s not.

To say I’m dragging is an understatement, and since I consumed an unsafe amount of alcohol last night, I go into the house to find something for my headache and to drink a large amount of water and caffeine.

Tug is in the kitchen, drinking milk from the jug. By the time Tug was born, my parents had already spent their efforts to teach manners to Liv and me. Then again, Tug, is just Tug.

“Remind me not to drink milk while I’m here.”

Tug laughs, twisting the lid on the container and sliding it back into the fridge. “You look beat, bro.”

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