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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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I remove Liv’s phone from the charger on the nightstand, and plug mine into it. I read Harrison’s texts again. Why was he worried Brady wouldn’t get me home safely? It’s probably because Brady doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to women. It’s not a secret. Everyone knows Brady’s a player. I guess Harrison’s concerned that Brady will steal my virtue? Ha! Little does he know I lost it to Jake, and he never gave it back to me.

The door swings open, and Liv strolls groggily into the room, rubbing her eyes. “What the hell, Tor. I’ve been texting you all night. I can’t believe you flaked on Harrison. You promised.” Her bare feet slap across the floor as she makes her way to my bed.

“Calm down, chica! I tried to text earlier, but I didn’t have service. I just texted Harrison, and he understands. We’re going out to lunch tomorrow.”

She shoos me over in the bed and hops in next to me. “Lucky for you! You should have seen him, Tor. He was like a lost puppy.”

I roll my eyes and nudge her with my elbow. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

“What the hell happened to you, anyway? And what is up with my brother? If you say ‘nothing,’ I swear I’ll take that picture of you passed out with a giant penis drawn on your face in Sharpie and post in on Instagram.”

“You wouldn’t!”

She arches a brow. “Try me!”

Shit! She’s serious.

“Ugh…Liv. All we did was go into T.J. and eat tacos.”

She grabs her phone off the nightstand and starts scrolling through it. “Hmm….where is that pic?”

“Liv!” I reach across her, trying to grab the phone from her hands. She holds her arm up to stop me. I give up and slink into the bed.

“Aw…here it is!” She flashes the screen my way so I can see. I should have deleted that damn photo when I had the chance.

“Liv, don’t you dare. All he wanted to do was apologize for Jake.”

She pulls her eyes away from the phone and looks at me skeptically. “Brady? Apologize?” She’s biting her lip, mulling it over. “Bullshit!” She starts typing on her phone.

“No bullshit, Liv.” I nearly fall off the bed trying to pull the phone from her grip again. When I can’t reach it, I fall back onto the bed and sigh. Here we go, time to explain. Time to tell my best friend what a lie my relationship with Jake was. “He also told me Jake was always a cheat. That night, Brady made sure I found out. He didn’t want me to leave P.B. and change my life for some guy that would only break my heart.”

When Liv sets her phone on the nightstand, I realize she’s finally satisfied with my answer. She falls onto the pillow next to me and hogs all my covers. Whew, bullet dodged. “He knew?”

I roll on my side and slide my hands under my pillow. “Jeez, Liv. I knew.”

She rolls to her side now and faces me. The sadness in her eyes makes me want to turn away. I never told her and I should have. “What? How come I didn’t know?”

“I was in denial, Liv. I hid it from everyone. He was my first love. I never wanted to see him as that kind of guy. Your brother arranging for me to find out was exactly what I needed. You were right before when you said Brady did me a favor. I’d be in L.A. right now, boyfriend-less and without my best friend, or worse, I’d still be with him, pretending everything was wonderful.”

Her finger taps my nose, and I smile. “That’s pathetic, Tor.”

I make a pouty face. “I was foolish and blinded by love.”

“So, you and Brady are good.” she clarifies. I nod confirmation. “Mm-hmm, and what about hottie Harrison?” She rolls the “R”s off her tongue.

“I told you. We’re having lunch tomorrow. Or actually, later today.”

“Yay!” she screams, more excited than I am. Maybe she should go out with him. “I’m thrilled you’re going out with him. I really like him.”

“Obviously…calm down. It’s just lunch. Don’t start planning my walk down the aisle.”

She laughs, and I practically hear the cogs turning in her head. “Think of how freakin’ cute your kids are gonna be. Oh, my God, with your blue eyes and his dimples. You better get some sleep, girly, or you’re going to have some serious bags for your date. So not attractive.”

“I love you, Livvy,” I whisper. I steal my covers back and roll away from her. “Now, can you go sleep in your bed? If I have to sleep with you kicking me all night, I’ll have dark circles to go with the bags.”

She laughs, gets out of my bed, and climbs into hers. I hear her set her alarm clock. “Goodnight, Tori. I love you.”

“’Night, Livvy, love you too.”

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