Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1) - Page 37

Thoughts race around in my mind, all centering on the confusing, secretive soul a few doors away. He’s complex, infuriating at times, yet he’s also the most passionate person I’ve ever known, and I’m a little infatuated with him. He’s hiding so much from the family that loves him. Will he ever tell me why? Do I even want to know?


Sleep isn’t coming easy tonight. How I made it through the night without kissing her, I’ll never know. There were plenty of times I wanted to, and it took every bit of my restraint not to. I started to, and just as her innocent eyes found mine, I let my lips fall into the soft warm skin of her cheek. If things were different and I could somehow escape my mother’s grasp without hurting Liv or Tug, I’d make Tori mine.

When we stood in front of her door, I saw disappointment in her eyes. She wanted my kiss. Kind of strange how we’ve agreed to be friends, and yet the attraction we share is always just below the surface and ready to explode. My intention is to keep things friendly, but I’m not exactly sure that’s possible. Embodying everything I love in a woman, she makes me feel things I never knew I was capable of, and it scares the hell out of me.

I wish I’d never made that promise to Vanessa. The night she confronted

me remains the worst night of my life. No matter how hard we tried, things never clicked between us romantically. I cared so much for her that I couldn’t end it. We’d been out to dinner when she smiled warmly from across the table and said, “We need to stop fooling each other, Brady.”

I couldn’t believe she called me on it, and I still struggle with it. She informed me she loved me unequivocally, but it was obvious my heart was with Tori. She knew what I’d done to Tori, and somehow she knew how much I wanted Tori, too.

She’d made me promise to quit torturing myself and confess my feelings. I told her I was too chickenshit, and she told me to man up. I loved her even more after that conversation, a different kind of love, but love nonetheless.

Vanessa’s gone now and will never know if I tell Tori or keep my feelings locked away. After all, people break promises all the time, right? What’s the big deal? The big deal is, I didn’t just promise someone, I promised Vanessa, and after how things ended, I owe her this.

I decide it may take years, but eventually, I’ll get my shit together and tell Tori everything…maybe.

Chapter 13


Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are milling around the kitchen, getting ready for work.

Mrs. Hunter greets me first. “Good morning, Tori.”

“Good morning,” I offer to both of them cheerfully.

Mrs. Hunter personifies a woman in charge. She’s wearing an expensive grey suit and silk blouse, with black, sharply pointed heels. Even her dark hair pulled back into a bun tightly wrapped behind her head screams "all business." I envy her so much. She’s worked for Gibson Capital, a privately owned holding company with a fabulous reputation, for as long as I can remember. Last year when Mr. Gibson passed away, his fortune and his business were left to an anonymous family member. Walter Gibson’s will stated that should his heir not want to be involved in the day-to-day operations of the firm, then Sheila would be promoted to CEO and President of Gibson Capital. As it turned out, the beneficiary chose not to take over the company, and Sheila was promoted. I remember she was shocked and thrilled when it was announced. As a business major, I admire her drive, and I aspire to someday be as successful as she is.

“Sheila made pancakes. They’re in the warmer if you’re hungry,” Mr. Hunter says, smiling at me.

“Thank you,” I reply. “Where is everyone?”

“Olivia is in the garage with Brady, and Tug is still asleep,” Mrs. Hunter responds.

Liv’s in the garage with Brady, huh? She’s probably grilling him to see if our stories match. It’s a good thing I told him what I had planned to tell her about why we were out together.

“Nate, we need to get going.” Sheila’s putting the lid on a to-go mug of coffee.

“I’m ready.” Mr. Hunter’s tone suggests he’s been waiting on her all morning. He looks over at me and rolls his eyes. I chuckle silently. Nate works for Gibson Capital also, in sales and marketing, I believe. I think it’s amazing they’re able to work so closely together, yet never tire of each other.

“’Bye, Tori,” Mrs. Hunter says. Mr. Hunter waves. They file out the door leading to the garage, briefcases in hand.

“See you later.” I wave.

In nothing but his boxers, Tug enters the kitchen, yawning and brushing his face with his hands. His soldier is standing at attention, and I’m grateful there’s a button on his fly.

Glancing between his face and Captain Stiffy, I stifle a laugh. “Tug, seriously, you should put clothes on before you come downstairs.”

He grins smugly and yanks on the waistband of his boxers, sneaking a peek inside. “I have clothes on.”

“Ewwww…, maybe you should take a pee to calm that thing down.” I point at the tent in his boxers.

Tug looks down again and laughs. “Ugh, I feel so violated. I can’t believe you’re checking out my junk.”

I laugh and shake my head in denial. “It’s kind of hard not to when it’s standing up, staring at me.”

Tags: K.J. Bell Irreparable Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024