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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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We paddle in and set the boards in the sand. Harrison unzips his wet suit and pulls out of the top half. Why do I feel bad ogling him? Liv is right – it’s been a year, and I need to get the hell over Jake.

After Harrison loads the boards, he holds up a towel to shield me so I can slip into some dry clothes. He only peeks once, but I don’t call him on it.

Harrison drives me back to my Jeep at the Bean. He hops out and opens my door for me. We stand at the driver’s-side door of my Jeep, and I toss my bag onto the back seat.

“Thanks for the surfing lesson. I had a great time.” I’m blushing and have to look away to finish speaking. What is wrong with me? I’m a flustered mess.

“You’re welcome.”

When I look up at him, he gives me a casual smile and takes my hand. “Tori, I’d like to kiss you, if it’s okay?”

I almost laugh. I didn’t think outside of movies that guys asked permission to kiss a girl. I nod in reply to his request, and he leans in, pressing his lips to mine. He kisses me softly and a little too quickly. I whimper under my breath when he pulls away. He smiles and brushes my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. “That was nice.”

Then do it again, harder, faster, and with a little tongue. Jeez, Liv’s prediction wasn’t so stupid after all – I may combust soon from sexual tension.

“Would you like to go out with me again?” he asks sweetly.

Excitedly, I look up at him and answer, “I’d love to go out with you again.”

“I work mornings and you work nights the next two days, so what about Friday night? We can see a movie or something.”

“Friday sounds perfect.” I giggle, and I don’t even mind it this time. Harrison plants a quick peck on my cheek and then gets in his car. After I watch Harrison pull away, I go inside to see Liv.

Of course she squeals when I come in and assesses me from head to toe. She eyes me all too suggestively. “You were gone a long time, and it looks like you’ve showered. Tell me you got a piece of Harrison pie.”

“God, no, Liv! Keep your voice down. I’m already planning your death. Thanks to you, those damn condoms fell out of my purse at lunch.”

She claps her hands together. “What, and you didn’t jump at that?”

I roll my eyes and give her a gentle shove. “God, sometimes I think you’re really a guy.”

“Hey, I resent that…no, wait, actually, I’m cool with it. Well, you were gone too long for just lunch, so what did you do?”

I smile wide. “He took me surfing.”

“What? Tori Preston went surfing? Who are you? And what did you do to my best friend?”

“It was so weird. When he asked me, I didn’t even hesitate, and it was so much fun.”

Her eyes light up, and she leans in close. “Did he kiss you?” I back away and shake my head. “Your face is bright red, so the answer is yes. With tongue or without?”

Neither confirming nor denying, I turn away. “I’m going home now. See you in a bit.” I march out through the door without looking back at her. I’ll end up spilling my guts later anyway. Liv always gets what she wants.

Chapter 15


Brady’s truck is in the driveway. As, I step out of the Jeep, I pray he’s in a better mood than he was when I left. I had a great day. The last thing I want to deal with his moody temper. He’s sitting at the table, buried under a mountain of paper and textbooks. I set my keys and purse down on the counter. My throat is dry, and feels like sandpaper. I grab a soda from the fridge. The can hisses when I pop the top and take a sip.

Brady hasn’t spoken yet, and it’s got me reeling inside. “Hey, Brady.” I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.

He turns in his chair and looks at me over the top of thin-framed glasses. Holy hotness. Only Brady could make glasses look sex-on-a-stick hot. Once I pick my jaw up off the floor, I watch as he pulls them off and pinches the bridge of his nose. He sets the glasses down and looks at me, biting the corner of his bottom lip slightly. Damn that Harrison! I’m all worked up after that teaser kiss. Horny is not a good thing to be when I’m this close to Brady.

“How was your date?” he asks politely, almost indifferently.

“It was good,” I offer warily. “We went surfing.”

“What? ...why?” he asks immediately.

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