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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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Harrison walks up, laughing. “Can you believe it? I’m number 11. Time to kick some ass.”

Then I hear, “With girl number 37.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m trying to dump the guy, and one thing after another tonight has stopped me from doing it. I reluctantly hold up my ticket, and the guy hands me a wetsuit. I do love to ski, and racing is always a blast. It’s the adrenaline junkie in me. Since I’ve never been coordinated enough for team sports, or those requiring balance, I’ve developed a fondness for jet skiing.

Brady is at my side instantly, pulling me away from the crowd. Once we’re a good distance away, he stops. “You’re not riding with him.”

His grip on my arm hurts, and I twist to get away. I’m completely taken aback. “Why not?”

His eyes bore into me. “I’ve warned you already. I don’t trust Harrison.”

“Are you serious, Brady? Harrison won’t hurt me.”

“I’m dead serious. You’re not fucking riding, Tori.” He’s adamant.

Now I’m irritated, and I consider telling him to go home. This jealous boyfriend thing isn’t working for me. “Is this about your continual pissing contest with him?”

He closes his eyes and swallows. When they open, he doesn’t look at me. “No, I just don’t want you to ride with him.”

I take a step toward him. “Bullshit. Something is up with the two of you, and I told you before, if you don’t want to tell me, fine, but don’t expect me to dislike him because of it.”

He’s huffing and mumbling into his chest. “Fuck! Don’t do this. It’s dangerous.”

“Brady, you’re overreacting. It’s just a friendly race. It’ll be over before you know it, and then I’ll I tell Harrison I only want to be friends.” I lick my lips, brushing my palm over his chest and down his stomach suggestively. My hand finally stops at his cock. “And then we’ll get out of here and you can have your way with me.” My actions and my words surprise me. Something about Brady makes me more bold and willing to vocalize my thoughts.

A low groan escapes his throat, and the anger in his eyes softens. “You’re going to ruin me, Sunshine. You know that, right?”

“I hope so.” I smile and press a soft kiss to his lips. “It’s just a race. It’ll be over quickly, and we’ll leave. I promise.”

“Just be careful, please.” Brady pulls me against him by my arm and kisses me on the forehead. With his lips against my skin, he says, “Whatever you do, don’t let go on the turn.”

“You ready?” Harrison interrupts.

Having not heard him approach us, I’m beyond annoyed by his presence. I wonder how much he heard.

“Yep.” I smile at Brady. He’s glaring at Harrison, and his hands are at his sides. His fingers folded slightly, ready to form fists.

“She’ll be right there, Harrison.”

Harrison doesn’t move.

“You can go now.” There’s a warning edge to Brady’s voice, and I pray Harrison’s smart enough leave.

“Okay. I’ll be waiting.” Harrison looks confused. I suspect he heard everything Brady and I were talking about. He looks at me with pleading eyes and then walks away.

Chapter 23


After taking off my shorts and T-shirt, I shrug a wetsuit on over my bathing suit. I kiss Brady on the cheek and make my way over to the crowd surrounding the jet skis. I climb on the jet ski behind Harrison, and slide up close to him. When I look back at Brady, he’s pacing, and I can’t tell if he’s angry or worried.

Harrison twists his head to look at me and then glares at the guy on the ski next to us. “Hold on tight, Tori. I plan on winning this thing.”

The guy flips Harrison off. Harrison laughs and returns the gesture. I’m suddenly nervous. Harrison is obviously a competitive guy. I unhook the front of my life vest so that I can get closer to Harrison and latch my fingers together tightly around his waist.

Two skis with riders take off into the water, disappearing into the black abyss in front of us. They’ll act as lookouts, watching for boaters or police on the water. If anything’s off, they’ll sound a horn so we don’t start the race.

The drunk guy we got the tickets from stands on the shore, waiting to start the race. I glance up and down the beach, searching for Liv or Tug, but I don’t see either of them.

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