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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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He takes a sip of milk. “If you don’t make up with her, you’re an idiot.”

I chuckle and ruffle the little guy’s head. He has a point. I am an idiot. “Watch your language, rug rat, and eat your breakfast.

After breakfast, I help in the kitchen and then take a shower. The streams of hot water beat down on me, and I close my eyes. Tori loves me without a doubt, but can she love me enough to forgive me for bailing on her? She clearly believes what happened with Vanessa wasn’t my fault. The problem is, she doesn’t know the truth. I’m not sure if telling her everything will make things better, but she deserves to know. If I tell her and she still wants me, then we’ll see where it goes, and I’ll have to figure out a way to tame my beast of a mother.

I’ve committed to helping Rodrigo with the new gym for the next couple of days. After the outside is finished, I’m heading home to tell her the truth, including the fact I’m in love with her and I want to be with her. Fuck everything else!

Chapter 27


It’s been three weeks since I’ve seen Brady, yet he still pervades every thought in my head. I’ve dredged through the last few weeks like a machine, going through the motions of life – eating, sleeping, working – but not living. Liv has practically disowned me. Of course she made up with Tyler when she learned that the mystery girl texting him was his sister. She spends most of her time with him. The only time we talk is when we work a shift together at the Bean, and even then, it’s awkward. I can’t blame her. I’m miserable to be around right now.

Harrison has been there for me – as my friend – just as he promised. He's talked me through every pathetic breakdown at work, been respectful of my feelings toward Brady, and avoids telling me what he thinks of him. He’s my friend, and I’m happy to have him in my life.

It’s difficult living here after everything I’ve learned. Interacting with Liv’s parents is nearly impossible. I do my best to avoid them. The fact they knew about what happened with Vanessa and took part in paying a family off to keep it a secret has drastically changed my opinion of them. Our relationship is damaged, and I’m not sure it can ever be repaired.

I can’t continue to let thoughts of Brady completely consume my life. I haven’t been eating or sleeping very well, and I’ve lost weight. He’s made a choice, and if I've learned anything after my breakup with Jake, it’s that I can’t let a broken heart control me and keep me from living my life. Life goes on, as they say. Brady has to get over his guilt before he’ll be able to love anyone. I want to wait for him. I want to be here when he’s ready. Feeling this way doesn’t mean my life has to stand still. Brady will come around when he wants to, and if he doesn’t, then I’ll have to live with that, but in the meantime I have to have a life worth living. And withering away isn’t much of a life.

“Are you getting out of bed before noon today?” Tug’s in the doorway of my room. I fling a pillow at him. Thankfully, Tug is the same ol’ goofball he’s always been. He strolls into the room and plops down on the bed next to me. “What are you doing tonight?”

I frown. I’ll be pouting in this bed like I do every night. “I don’t have any plans. Pitiful, right?”

Tug turns on his side, resting on his elbow. “You want to go to the movies with me?”

It would be nice to get out, and it might make me feel better. It would be a start at least. “You know what, Tug? Yes, I would like to go the movies with you.”

Jumping to his feet and standing next to the bed, he looks down at me with a stupefied expression. “Seriously?”

Smile wide, I answer, “Seriously, Tug.”

Tug starts skipping around the room, waving a hand in the air as though he is lassoing something and smacking himself on the ass. “Whoo hoo! Slap my fanny and call me Red. I can’t believe she finally said yes!”

I sit up in bed, and wonder if I should use my cell phone to take a video of his shenanigans. It could prove useful later. I decide against it. Liv might find it. “Uh, okay, Red. But no romantic flicks. I need action. Guns and gore, you know?”

He stops at the foot of the bed, eyeing me coquettishly. “Oh, you’re really breaking my heart. I’m dying to watch two people run from each other for two hours because they’re too stubborn to realize they love each other while the girl whines the whole time. Blood and guts will be pure torture.”

He’s honestly the most sarcastic and funny person I know, but his joking pinches me a little. Brady and I are doing exactly that. “I guess you’ll have to wear your big-girl panties and make the best of it.”

“Yes, ma’am! I’ll pick you up at six.” He’s grinning from ear to ear. He turns on his heels, and struts out of the room.

I smile, watching him leave, and bite my lip. Oh, my God, I’m going on a date with Tug.

After peeling myself out of bed, I slip my arms into my bathrobe and pad down the stairs to the kitchen for some much-needed coffee. Perkily, I enter the kitchen. My happy mood disintegrates when I find Mrs. Hunter sitting at the island, reading the paper. She’s clutching a tissue to her nose, and I assume she’s home sick from work. The tissue reminds me of Brady, which only stirs my anger toward this woman.

“Good morning, Tori,” she greets me, sounding every bit as stuffed-up as she looks.

“Good morning.” I keep my head down and shuffle to the cabinet to get a mug. I feel her gaze follow me, but I don’t turn around. After pouring myself a cup of coffee, I add cream and sugar, and decide to drink it upstairs.

“Tori.” Sheila’s stern voice cuts though me, just as I start to pass through the doorway. I turn to her, and she waves me over. “Come, let’s chat.”

“I have to get ready for work,” I lie. “Maybe later.”

“Brady told me that you know. I don’t like how uncomfortable this little situation makes you.”

Brady has spoken to her?

Anger zips through me. Is she serious? I stride over to her and set my coffee on the counter. “Pardon me, Sheila, but I don’t think there is anything little about this situation.”

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