Battle - Page 39

My skin crawls from his touch and his voice.

Knowing Battle’s going to leave, thinking I lied to him, snaps me back to reality. Before I can shout at him to wait, Battle lifts his head and meets me eye to eye. A smile crawls up the corner of his lips. “You comin’, sweetheart?”

I bite my lip on a smile and nod.

Wyatt grabs my arm. “You aren’t goin’ anywhere with him on that deathtrap.”

With a swift twist, I free my arm and step away. He reaches for me again, but the look I give him stops him from touching me.

“Go to hell,” I scream at him before I run to Battle and hop on the back of his sporty Harley. He turns at the waist and gives me the helmet. Wyatt continues shouting at me, how I’m making a huge mistake.

I ignore him, pulling the helmet over my head, and inch as close as possible to Battle. He smells delectable, like spice and something warmer, sweeter. It’s heaven. I secure my arms tightly around his waist.

Wyatt stands with his hands raking through his hair. He talks, but I can’t hear his words through the helmet and over the bike's engine. I can however hear Battle who looks directly at him and mocks Wyatt’s earlier words. “Hurts, doesn’t it?”

Battle lifts his hand and flips Wyatt the middle finger. I can’t help but laugh. Wyatt deserves it, as well as the fat lip he’s going to have in the morning.

Excitement zips through me as Battle hits the throttle. On the way past the entrance to the restaurant, I turn my head to see my parents with the Daughtrey’s staring right at me. I’ll have to explain eventually, but I’ve had enough drama for one evening. I do nothing to alert Battle that he should stop. We ride out of the parking lot, me on a new journey, and away from my old path.

Sitting on the bike feels much like a horse. The machine breathes beneath me. As Battle drives faster, my trepidation grows. With proper guidance, a horse can be trained to follow commands. A rider has control over an animal, but a motorcycle can’t be taught. I’m not sure if my trembling thighs are a result of the engine vibrating beneath the seat, or my fear, but the sensation overwhelms me.

I squeeze Battle tighter, becoming one with his body. As he rounds a turn, we lean into it, and I realize Battle has as much confidence riding a motorcycle as he does the bulls in the arena. I relax my grip and relish the experience. It’s quite a rush.

We pull up in front of his house. He gets off the bike first and then helps me off. Once my feet are firmly planted on the ground, he removes my helmet and sets it on the seat. He smiles and taps me on the nose.

“First time?”

I blush and nod.

We go through the front door into Battle’s house. Before he turns on the light, I’m greeted with a wet nose from Roy to my hand. I smile and scratch him with both hands behind the ears. Once Battle turns on a light, I follow him to the kitchen with Roy trailing close behind me. I spin to face the pooch. He pushes into my right side with his front shoulder, and then moves to my left side, pushing me backward.

“Roy, quit herding the guest,” Battle commands. “Lay down!” Roy immediately obeys and lies at my feet. Battle grins. “He likes you.”

“I can tell.”

He takes my hands and rests his forehead on mine. “I like you, too.”

“I can tell.”

“What now?”

“We hang out and get to know each other.”

His eyes slowly move over my features, studying me. They grow darker as he strokes a thumb over my right cheek bone. I wince.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner,” he says, his voice full of painful regret.

I grab his hand and kiss his scraped knuckles. “No, don’t be sorry. You were right on time.”

“What if I did what you asked?” His brow creases tight. “What if I waited for you to get home?”

“You didn’t.”

“Has he hurt you before?”

“No, never. Not physically. He was upset, and maybe had too much to drink. I broke up with him the night I met you. I was supposed to have dinner tonight with my parents. He was there with his parents. The night didn’t go the way he thought it would.”

“He wants you back.”

Tags: K.J. Bell Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024