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His lips form a smile as he says, “You might be brave, but you’re gonna need more to survive Battle.”

“That’s enough, Tuck!” Battle shoots up, his fist pounding into the table.

Cooper shoves a hand onto Tucker’s chest, holding him back as Austin comes around the side to help.

“Tuck, not here,” Cooper warns.

Tucker takes a step back, scowling over Cooper’s shoulder.

“What? I’m only givin’ his girl a warnin’.”

“No, you’re givin’ me a warnin’,” Battle says, his voice firm and controlled. “And I heard you. Now leave her alone.”

Tucker holds his hands up. “All right, I’m done.”

“Come on, Tuck. You’re up front with me. I’ll show you where to put your shit,” Cooper says. Tucker cast one more glance at Battle and follows Cooper.

Once they’re out of earshot, Austin sits back at the table and says, “Fuck, why don’t you two hang your dicks out already and get it over with?”

I cover a laugh with my hand.

“I ain’t hangin’ anything out. Tuck’s the one with the problem.”

“Then let him kick your ass, and you can go back to bein’ friends, because this sucks.”

“Ain’t happenin',” Battle says.

Austin shoots me a glance and rolls his eyes. “Can you talk some sense into this guy, please? And while you’re at it, make me another Bloody. It’s workin’. I gotta go bust a growler.”

My mouth falls open as he walks away and disappears into the bathroom. I turn to Battle. “Did he just tell us he’s gonna take a shit??


Battle chuckles. “In true Austin fashion.”

“He’s a pig.”

“He is, but he’s a good guy.”

“I’m reservin’ judgment,” I say, but I do like Austin. I was worried things would be awkward after Dakota’s when he was all over me, but it appears to be forgotten. The Tucker situation blindsided me, and now I have new concerns.

“Are you sure you want to stay here?” I ask, making another Bloody Mary for Austin. “We can still get a hotel.”

“Do you want to get a hotel?” Battle asks, coming up behind me.

I spin around, our bodies flush, his lips no more than an inch away. It’s hard to concentrate when I want nothing more than for him to kiss me, which makes me think distracting me is his intention.

“I want to do whatever’s easier for you. I know you haven’t shared the entire story yet, but obviously things are extremely heated between the two of you. It might be more comfortable for everyone if we aren’t sleepin’ here.”

“You’re a smart girl, but what’s goin’ on with Tuck is nothin’ for you to worry about,” he says in my ear and then pulls back. “I’ll look into a room when we get to Oklahoma.”

“Okay,” I reply, staring at his full bottom lip. I swallow hard, preparing for the kiss I’ve been craving for weeks. The slow ache in my core begins, wanting more than a simple kiss.

“Whoa!” Austin yells, exiting the bathroom. “Do not go in there.”

I deflate against the counter. Battle steps back. Austin crosses the room and sprawls out in the recliner. I turn to Battle and can only shake my head. There are truly no words for a guy like Austin.

“Still reservin’ judgment,” I say to Battle.

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