Battle - Page 54

Sharin’ implies so many things. Here’s my chance to clarify where our relationship stands, but I have another question that’s been nagging me since I first visited his house. The next roll goes to me, and I bravely ask, “Why don’t you drive the Camaro?”

He looks away, rubbing his eyes. “Bad memories.”

“Of?” I push, ignoring his body language telling me to, “drop it.”

“Fuck!” He leans forward on his elbows. “Of a time in my life I don’t like talkin’ about.”

There’s pain in his posture, in his words, and in his beautiful eyes that are begging me to let this go.

“Fair enough,” I say with understanding. There are painful things in my life I don’t like to talk about. Like losing my gram, or my controlling parents.

“Look, Faye,” he says, straightening. “I really like you, and there may be a time I can talk about it, but I’m not ready.”

“Okay,” I say softly, and toss the dice at him with a grin.

He loses the next roll. I pump my fist, which makes him laugh.

“Why are you such a cocky bastard?” I ask, trying to stop a smile from forming, but it does anyway.

Battle stares at me with amusement and asks, “Is that your question, or are you just generalizin’?”

“That’s my question, but if you need specifics, how ‘bout when you’re in the arena?”

I enjoy the sexy, quiet laugh he releases. “That’s just confidence, sweetheart.”

No doubt he’s confident, but putting himself in danger fulfills some need, some desire to either punish himself, or prove something.

“Yeah, but eight seconds is never enough. You always push. Why?”

His brow pinches tight, like it always does when he’s dealing with some internal conflict. He rubs his knees, and glances over at me. “The rush I get from pushin’ limits reminds me I’m still alive. I need it.”

Typical cryptic honesty I don’t have the energy to decipher tonight. I think about his ride earlier. He hopped right off, which leads to another question. “Why didn’t you need it today?”

His teeth graze over his bottom lip as he leans in close. “I had you to remind me today.”

My cheeks warm as he leans back in his chair. He darn sure doesn’t play fair, and he knows it. His answer is one I’ll settle for, for now. Eventually, I’ll discover what actually drives him.

The game continues and transitions into lighter topics before we decide to call it a night. Most of the sites have gone quiet. Our group thinned, and I don’t see the buckle bunnies anywhere. I’m hoping Cooper was smart enough to send the brunette on her way. Ginger is sleeping over in JT’s trailer, which leaves Marty for me to sort out sleeping arrangements.

Battle helps Marty pull out the retractable bed from the wall. He and Austin convert the kitchen table to a bed, before we go to our room. I change into pajamas in the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I open the door, my jaw drops. Battle stands before me, wearing nothing but a smile. My heart skips a beat, and then picks up speed. I’m sure he sees the fervor burning my cheeks. He winks and brushes past me into the bathroom.

I exhale and cross the room to put my dirty clothes away before climbing into the bed. He exits the bathroom, still naked and still grinning as he walks to the bed and lifts the covers.

“You forgot somethin’,” I say, staring wide-eyed.

“What?” He grins.


His forehead wrinkles. “What kinda man sleeps in pajamas?”

My father and Wyatt. “You’re seriously gonna sleep naked?”

“It’s the only way to sleep.”

He hops up on the bed, laughing.

“With me … in the bed?” I ask, reminding him, as if he didn’t know.

Tags: K.J. Bell Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024