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She drops the dishtowel in her hand. “I’m real darn proud of you, honey,” she says, turning her head to me.

Her words fill my heart with glee. “Thank you.”

“I mean it. You’re a stronger woman than I ever was. It took courage to stand up to your daddy, and I can see how happy you are.” Her eyes well with tears as she leans against the counter.

“Oh, Mama, don’t cry.”

She waves her hand in front of her face, and breathes. “I’m so sorry, honey. I’ve been so busy tryin’ to please your father, I didn’t take the time to see Wyatt was bein’ a big fat jerk. He hurt you, and I should’ve been there for you.”

I laugh, because for my mother, 'jerk' is a seriously bad word. I’m sure it pained her to say it. Maybe she should have been there for me, but I understand she was raised to believe a woman’s place is by her husband’s side, supporting him without question. Times were different. Regardless, regret shines back at me in her eyes.

“It’s okay. I’m okay,” I reassure her.

We hug and I tell her how much I love her.

As my parents prepare to leave, our relationship appears to be salvaged. Battle and I walk them outside.

My father wraps me in his strong arms to hug me goodbye. “I love you, kiddo.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” I fight the tears, not wanting to let him go. I needed this night more than I realized.

He releases me and shakes Battle’s hand. “Mr. McCoy, thank you for havin’ us over. I’m glad we were able to talk. Be good to my little girl.”

“I will, sir.”

I hug and kiss each of my parents again before they get in their car. As I watch them drive away, I feel elated to have them in my life again. Tonight was difficult for my father. Although he’ll never admit how hard it was to accept his wrong, he took a huge step tonight. I didn’t get nearly the apology from him I received from my mother. His acknowledgement came in his efforts to know Battle as a man, rather than a whisper of hearsay.

I’m proud of him.

I turn to the man who made tonight happen. A man, who I’m falling deeply in love with. “Thank you for this.”

He smiles, slipping his arms around my waist. “Life’s too short to be apart from the ones we love.”

I squeeze him tight, knowing Evelyn’s on his mind and wanting to comfort him. Life is short, and I won’t let Battle be alone. I can’t replace his mother, but I can help him heal what will be a deep wound.

I crawl into bed next to Battle, who nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck. “Am I ever gonna convince you to sleep naked?”

“I might be convinced.” I giggle.

“Hmm, how’s that?” he asks, nibbling the skin behind my ear as he pushes my pants down.

“I think multiple orgasms would do the trick.”

He laughs as I help him remove my pants completely, as well as my top.

“You’re so beautiful,” he says before his tongue dips into my mouth and dances with mine.

Before long, he pushes inside of me, stretching me, filling me with every splendid inch of him.

“I’ll never get enough,” I cry out.

He groans his agreement as he continues pushing in and out with deliberately controlled movements. I arch my back absorbing every thrust. When he’s with me like this, it’s the one time I feel our connection is unbreakable. I know he has secrets. I know he’s been hurt, and I know he’s afraid to love me, but as my body jerks beneath him and he whispers, “That’s it baby, come for me,” I feel his love. I feel what he can’t verbalize.

“There’s nothing more beautiful than you letting go.”

Again his compliment makes me believe he feels for me what I feel for him. As he drives into me faster and with more intensity, I unravel, spiraling out of control as my climax ripples through my body. As I descend from the sky, he smiles and asks, “Again?”

I lift my hips, crying out, “Yes, again.”

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