The Last Boss' Daughter - Page 68

Annabelle pushes a piece of chicken into her mouth and watches me. After she swallows, she says, "You know, I don't even know your last name."

"Hunt," I supply.

"Liam Hunt?" Nodding approvingly, she says, "I like that."

Even though I'm still tired, I wish I hadn't slept so long. It's bound to be a long night, and I won't come back here afterwards. I decide it's best to warn her.

"I'll go back to my apartment in the city tonight after work. I'll sleep and then I'll have to go back to work, so I won't be back until tomorrow night. I should be able to spend the night with you here, but after I leave that time, I won't come back until the job is done. So if you need anything else, don't be shy, tell me and I'll bring it tomorrow."

Her face has darkened with disappointment but she nods, accepting it. Then, daring a glance up at me, she says, "Will you tell me what the job is now?"

I ignore the request, trying the soup. It isn't great, but still edible. "Not bad," I tell her.

Not letting me get away with it this time, she continues, "I take it that's a no? Why?"

I go over it one more time in my mind. Some of it I think she'd be okay with, but other parts... not so much. After it's done, it's done. But right now....

I can't risk her asking me not to do it. Because I'm going to. I'm going to finish the job, get the rest of my money, and then we can leave.

"You like warm weather?"

She gives me a dry look as she scoops up a spoonful of soup. "Slick subject change."

"Not a subject change. Just thinking about after the job is over."

That softens her a little, successfully changing the subject. "I was wondering about that. I wasn't sure what happens after. Do you have a life to go back to?"

"I don't, not exactly, but I want to build one. I told you about the sunset house. That's where I'm going. You can come with me, if you want to."

She can't help smiling. "I would like that. Is there a stove?"

That one makes me chuckle. "Yes, there's a stove. A whole kitchen, even."

"Fancy," she says, rubbing her hands together with relish.

I picture her there, bare toes in the sand with the waves lapping at the shore behind her, her pale skin darker from exposure to the sun.

Actually, I should probably pick up a sunscreen for her. Bet she burns easily.

"When?" she asks, bringing me out of my daydream.

"We'll leave in a few days. I booked you a plane ticket, figuring you might wanna come. Next week we'll be in another country, on a beach, with a new life."

Something she sorely needed, but I don't add that.

She seems really pleased. And she's forgotten to keep bugging me about the job. Win-win.


I nuzzle my face against Liam's chest as he lazily brushes his thumb across my nipple. I'm already thumping with arousal, and we've barely recovered from the round we just finished.

"If you keep doing that, I'm never letting you leave," I tell him, rubbing his leg with my foot.

"Fine, I'll stop," he says.

Before I can object, his hand creeps down my belly and between my legs. My head falls back as he thrusts a finger between my legs and I sigh, somehow so satisfied even as his hand renews the yearning for more.

"Should I stop... now?" he asks as his finger circles my clit.

Tags: Sam Mariano Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024