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The Last Boss' Daughter

Page 84

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"You could just tell me now," Pietro suggested, glancing to Liam. "Save Annabelle some... pain and suffering?"

Liam meets my gaze, features steady, but eyes pleading. I’m sure he wants me to understand why he won’t fold and save me. He doesn't need to show his hand even that much though; I trust him completely. I know he will do what's best.

I know once Pietro has the information he wants, we're both as good as dead.

Maybe he would keep us alive until he could verify, but once he did....

My stomach roils in protest but my brain understands. I raise my head high, push away the moment of pleading. Whatever they dole out, I can take.

Pietro’s dramatic pause ends. "No? All right, then."

"Wait," I say, glancing at the bed. Before they can tie me up, before I'll be as helpless as he is, I hurry over to Liam. It's not the easiest position to work with, but I brace myself on the arms of the chair and lean in, brushing my soft lips across his swollen ones. I want him so badly, so deeply, in every way, and I need this to get through the next day.

Liam does, too. His kiss, even without hands, is passionate, desperate, mind-numbing. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, running along the inside of my lower lip. I savor the taste of him, the feel of him. This is what our days should be filled with. This is how every one of our nights should end. No fear, not being bullied, trussed up and controlled by evil bastards. This.

It feels like a last kiss should.

Paul drags me away, breaking the kiss. I don’t fight him. I climb onto the cot, chilled to the bone, but I don’t complain.

Paul uses the rope to tie me to the bed and smirks like he’s accomplished something.

I’m naked and afraid. The dank, empty warehouse does nothing to warm me as I lie there in a bra and panties, shivering.

I’m finally with Liam, but in these circumstances, I’d almost prefer to be alone.

I want a blanket more than I ever have in my life. It seems excessively cruel that they haven’t given me one, and I decide it’s probably Paul’s doing. He knows my blanket cocoons are my safe place. He wouldn’t want me to have that here.

I think of Ryder and that other guy—Al, I think. I don’t know where they are or if they were able to find a place close enough. Who knows if they even know where I’m at, and if they do, will they put their own necks on the line to help? And if so, when?

My future is lost in an ocean of uncertainty.

There’s nothing and no one I can depend on—this time, not even myself.


“This is so romantic, isn’t it?” Paul asks, trailing the back of his index finger across my collar bone.

“Fuck off and die,” I reply blandly, the embodiment of boredom.

“I mean, we never tried exhibitionism before,” he says, like I haven’t spoken. His hand moves down my chest, skirting dangerously close to the cup of my bra.

Liam’s voice jolts me out of the absent state I’m trying to head into.

“I’m gonna stop you right there, Paul. Turn around. Look at me.”

Paul doesn’t lose his cocky little fucking smile, but it weakens and he does glance back at Liam. “You want some popcorn?”

Liam is doing his scary stoic thing, and he meets Paul’s gaze with detached calm. “Do you recall that night I had your throat beneath my boot and I warned you that if you ever put another unwanted hand on Annabelle again, I’d kill you dead?” He lifts his eyebrows, ever so slightly. “I’m going to warn you right now—and please, please don’t think I’m exaggerating or being in any way facetious, because I mean this very literally. If you put your puny dick anywhere near Annabelle, when I get out of this chair I am going to rip it off and feed it to you.” He remains calm, but reiterates, “I will literally grab your dick, rip it off your body, put the flaccid, bloody remains in your mouth, and make you chew it.” As if to illustrate his point, he gnashes his teeth.

I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated my big, beautiful sociopath more.

Paul chuckles, but I know him well enough to know it’s a nervous one. Glancing back at me, he says, “Man, this guy’s got no chill, does he?”

“None,” I verify.

“Look, man. I don’t even want Annabelle anymore,” Paul informs Liam. “I’m the one who left her. I… I’m in a committed relationship.”

“Good,” Liam says evenly.

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