Lovescenes - Page 48

Shannon grinned wickedly. ‘Do you think Jerry would accept that as an excuse Monday morning? “Look, Jerry,” we could say, “we spent Friday trying to breathe some life into this stupid thing, and guess what hap­pened? Our brains rotted out...” No, huh? How about we kidnap the writers and hold them for ransom?’

‘They’d just go to the asylum and hire new ones.’

She sighed and lay her head back against the couch. ‘Isn’t that the truth?’ There was a companionable si­lence, and then she gave him a quiz­zical look. ‘Promise not to laugh?’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘I know it sounds crazy, but I'm hungry. Hey. You promised you wouldn’t laugh!’

He wasn’t just laughing, he was guffawing.

‘I didn’t promise anything. What happened to you, swearing off food forever?’

‘Maybe brain rot affects the stomach. Tell the truth— wouldn’t you like something?’

Cade grinned. ‘It’s a miracle you don’t weigh two hundred pounds.’

‘You can’t make me feel guilty, Morgan. It’s two a.m. and we’ve been at this for hours. That’s hard work, and hard work burns up lots of calories.’ Shannon got to her feet and stretched. ‘I can make us some sandwiches.’

‘ There must be a Chinese take-out in the neighborhood. Or a fried chicken place.’

. ‘They’re all closed at this hour. How about some eggs? Do you like yours scrambled or fried?’

‘A Morgan Special sounds better,’ Cade said as he followed her into the kitchen. ‘Have you got any cheese? Mushrooms would be good, too.’

‘I’ve got something that used to be cheese,’ she said, peering into the depths of her almost empty refrigerator. ‘What’s a Morgan Special?’

She turned as she asked the question.

A quick flutter of panic caught in her throat.

Cade had come up sound­lessly behind her; he was so close that she stumbled against him as she turned.

His wool shirt still carried the pleasant scent of the sea, even though the ferry ride was hours past. There was a dark stubble on his jaw; she wondered suddenly what the rasp of his beard would feel like against her skin.

Would it be like the touch of his guitar-roughened fingers that had almost driven her insane as they played over her skin during their love scene today?

‘On second thought,’ she said quickly, ‘maybe you’re right. I do eat too much. I had to lose weight before Jerry would sign me on.’

His eyes flickered over her. ‘You look just about perfect to me.’

‘Not to the camera,’ she said carefully, moving past him. ‘It makes everybody look heavier. Besides, I promised you coffee and a rehearsal, and we’ve had both.’

‘I wasn’t the one who mentioned something to eat. What’s the matter? Are you afraid to try a Morgan Special?’

She swallowed. ‘Cade, look...’

‘Trust me, Padgett. I’ve smuggled my electric skillet into more hotel rooms than you can shake a stick at. I’ll whip the eggs while you grate that cheese. I could use some bacon, if you’ve got it.’

Trust him? She wasn’t even sure she trusted herself any more.

Well, at least he hadn’t been joking about his cooking ability. His movements were deft as he worked in her tiny kitchen, frying the bacon and whipping the eggs to a froth.

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea at that. Cooking was hardly a romantic pastime; by the time they sat down to eat, surely the sudden tension she felt would have eased.

‘I don’t suppose you have any wine?’ Cade said as he crisped the bacon.

‘Just what’s left from that bottle you brought.’.

He nodded his approval and took the proffered bottle from her, splashing some into two jelly glasses and then, with a disarming grin, pouring what remained into the beaten eggs.

It was impossible not to return his smile. ‘That smells good,’ she said, after the eggs had set.

Tags: Sandra Marton Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024