Lovescenes - Page 60

The other woman shrugged her narrow shoulders. ‘You couldn’t very well expect them to stick with the same storyline, not now that Cade’s...’ She hesitated and turned away, but not before Shannon saw a trium­phant flash in the emerald green eyes. A warning tingle crawled up her spine.

‘Now that Cade’s what?’

‘Never mind. I’m sure you don’t want to discuss it.’

‘Discuss what? .’

Rima gave a deep sigh. ‘I don’t blame you for taking that attitude,’ she purred. ‘It’s such a difficult thing to have happen, isn’t it? Professionally as well as personally. I must say, I agree with Jerry. You’re taking it rather well.’

Shannon moved a step closer. ‘Listen, I don’t know what you’re talking about... ’

‘Of course you don’t,’ Rima said soothingly. ‘Not that there’s much you can do about it, of course.’

‘My God, will you stop beating around the bush? What are you talking about, Rima? Is my character going to fade? Is that it?’

The woman turned towards Shannon, a thin smile on her face. ‘That’s certainly one way of putting it, Sheena.’

Shannon’s eyes narrowed. ‘My name is Shannon,’ she said carefully. ‘That’s not so difficult to remember. I’m sure you can get it straight if you really put some effort into it.’

‘Temper, temper!’ Rima’s smile faded and her mouth narrowed into a cold line. ‘Better remember that it isn’t the same without the big star around to protect you. No more delicate treatment from Jerry, no more perfect camera angles...’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘... no more juicy scenes.’

Shannon’s face felt as if someone had set it ablaze. She raised her hand to her cheek, almost wincing at the heat that blazed against the coolness of her palm.

‘Okay,’ she said carefully, ‘when you get ready to talk sense, look me up. Until then, I’ll be in my dressing- room.’

‘I don’t blame you for trying to put up a good front,’ Rima said soothingly. ‘It must be terrible to find out that your relationship with Morgan wasn’t all you thought, hmm?’

Shannon had started across the studio, but she paused and looked back as Rima’s words fell around her like shards of glass.

‘And what, exactly, does that mean?’ she asked quietly.

‘Come on, Sheila. Do you think people are blind? I know you and Morgan were dis­creet, but—look, you played your cards and you lost. Who’d have dreamed our sexy hero would decide to leave Tomorrows so suddenly?’

‘Are you crazy?’ Shannon shook her head in disbelief. ‘Boy, this place is a madhouse. Cade’s not leaving Tomorrows. ’

‘Look, Shelley...’

‘Shannon,’ Shannon said through her teeth. ‘S-H-A-N-N-O-N!’

‘Yes, sorry. Look, don’t let it out on me. It’s not my fault your boyfriend left us for Hollywood. I guess when the movies beckon, everything else falls by the wayside. I told Jerry I’d do whatever I could for the show, of course. That’s why I wanted to talk to you about our next scene.’

A giddy sense of relief swept through Shannon and she laughed aloud.

‘Is that what this is all about? Listen, somebody got their signals crossed. I hate to put the kiss of death on such a wonderful rumor, but... Cade’s in Hollywood, yes, but he’s there to talk about a picture deal for next spring.’

‘Do tell,’ Rima said sweetly, her emerald eyes bright with malice.

‘God, you’re incredible. How could you think Cade would walk out on all of us?’

‘How could he walk out on you, Sherry, isn’t that the real question? Well, I guess only you would know the answer to that one. All I know is that his agent called Jerry last night and told him that Cade wouldn’t be back.’

‘What? You must be crazy!’

‘Jerry was crazy,’ Rima said, giggling. ‘‘But I told him, look on the bright side of things. That’s the great thing about this type of TV drama—there are always at least half a dozen continuing plot-lines and one can always get rid of a character, poof, with just the stroke of a typewriter key! And I said, isn’t it terrific that the writers always come up with something creative when the pressure’s on?’ Rima frowned and leaned forward. ‘What is that on your cheek, Shari, that red spot?’

Tags: Sandra Marton Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024