Rock Revenge (Rock Revenge Trilogy 1) - Page 4

He twisted his fingers around hers for a moment before letting her go. “Thanks.”

When the door closed behind her, he tipped back his head and started his warmup one more time. The third time might even him out.

He couldn’t fuck up tonight. Not now.

Especially now.


Margo Kagan slumped back against the door. Her heart jumped when Simon’s warmup scales started. When he reached for a higher, harder note, she closed her eyes for a second before straightening and heading back into the main part of their room.

The connecting door to Nick and Lila’s room was still open and she heard their manager’s soft yet clipped voice. Lila was her best friend too, but she was definitely in full-on work mode right now. Margo peeked around the door. Lila waved her in then held up her finger to let her know it would be a minute. Margo smoothed her hand down her clingy black stage skirt.

Nick was sitting at the small table on the far side of the room, his fingers flying over his phone. She sat down across from him. “Please tell me what the hell happened.”

Nick sighed. “You want it straight or the Rice Krispie treat version?”

“Since when did I need anything sugar-coated?”

“Some dude was on one of those American Idol-type shows and he looked like Simon. Even had his last name. Ian Kagan.” Nick spun his phone on the table. “Truthfully, there was an uncanny vibe between them. Probably a handful of years younger than our idiot.”


Nick shrugged. “Fuck if I know.”

Helpful as always. Margo glanced at Lila. “She’s looking into it?”

“Yeah. A little tough since most of her contacts are US-based, but we do have our ace in the hole.”

Margo quirked her eyebrow.

“Lord Lewis. All of the British there, right?”

“Yeah, that’s true. She’s got him on the line now?” At Nick’s nod, Margo looked at her watch. “Bit late at home.”

“The dude doesn’t sleep. He likes to cultivate that vampire thing, man.”

Margo laughed. Shocked that she could laugh when everything inside her was twisted and confused. She could barely wrap her mind around the idea of family and Simon. He’d been hers for what felt like forever, even though it had only been a few short years. She wasn’t sure how she felt about another Kagan out there.

She slid her hand back under the table and across her belly.

In any iteration.

Nick nodded to her. “Got your phone?”

She moved her hand into the pocket of her sweater and drew out her cell. “Yes.”

Nick used the Airdrop feature on his phone and shared a YouTube clip. “Take a look.”

She lowered the volume in deference to Lila’s call and hit play. The moody setting made the hairs on the back of her neck raise. The man in the shadows was tall and lanky with a wildness to his hair. It wasn’t a kinky curl, more of a playful wave of hair in a permanent state of flyaways. Thick and fine in a way that only men could pull off in such a careless style. A woman would look unkempt and shabby. This man-child was nothing but sinewy muscle and endless black clothing with…was that a poet’s shirt? His cheekbones were high and angular, echoing her husband.

Even without knowing this man might be a blood relation, there was no denying they had a similar look. But it was the eyes that were the final hammer.

Simon’s eyes.

A little softer, hungrier, a touch more shrewd in the way he played to the crowd.

Simon did it for the joy, while this Ian person was almost calculating. He knew how to smile and adjust his voice until the crowd lost their damn minds. Especially the women.

Tags: Cari Quinn Rock Revenge Trilogy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024