Rock Reclaimed (Rock Revenge Trilogy 2) - Page 57

“No, I’m quite interested in men. Is it that hard for you to believe you’re not my type?”

I should probably be honest. “Yes.”

She let out a laugh and sat on the other arm of the couch. “You’re a piece of work, Kagan.”

She didn’t doubt I was who I’d said. Probably hadn’t thought twice about it, but still. It felt like vindication. Like she believed in me even when no one else did. Just by accepting I was who I said I was.

Even if I was so much else as well.

“Not for the reasons you think.” I sucked in a breath, my heart stampeding in my ears. “I just can’t imagine you not feeling anything for me when I feel…everything for you.”

“Stop it. You don’t even know me.”

“I know your eyes have a little ring of gold around your pupils. I know you smell like an afternoon on the beach. Coconuts and sunshine and saltwater. With that little hint of chemicals from your work. I know you’re strong and brave and so talented that you don’t have time for anyone else. I get that. Truly.” I inched across the sofa and gripped her hand. “I’m not offering to marry you.”

“No kidding, Romeo.” But she nearly smiled.

So close.

“But I am offering to give you a night just for you. No strings. No expectations.”

“Oh, just for me, hmm?”

“Entirely. Just touching you would be enough. I’d need nothing else.” I turned her hand over, nudging aside the delicate bracelet she wore to kiss the soft skin of her wrist. My eyes never left hers as I rubbed my lips over her flesh. “That would be everything to me.”

Her throat moved as she swallowed. “I don’t think you know the meaning of no expectations.”

“Try me.” I traced the letters of the word magic up the inside of her arm with my lips, adding a hint of tongue. Her breath shuddered out. “I won’t talk. Even a little bit. Promise.”

“That is tempting.”

“I’ll stop wherever you want. Whenever you want. No discussion.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Her eyes closed so I kept doing what I’d been doing, now tracing the word in the opposite direction.

A five-letter word was way harder than it should’ve been to write backward.

Drugs were bad.

Alcohol was bad.

Zoe was beyond compare.

“Also, I always use rubbers and have no diseases—”

“Good to know, but when do you stop talking?”

My lips twitched before I ran my tongue over the pulse hammering between the fragile bones of her wrist. “Right now.”



The most idiotic of notions in all of the universe was staring up at me with the proverbial puppy-dog eyes. Then again, his puppy-dog eyes were more like registered weapons.

I knew because I’d been effectively swayed by them for weeks now.

He was lightning in a stormy sky. I could almost taste the ions in the air between us.

Tags: Cari Quinn Rock Revenge Trilogy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024