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Rock Reclaimed (Rock Revenge Trilogy 2)

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Much better that he dealt with it head on rather than spending his life trying not to react to the latest soundbite about Ian.

And if he was a little pissy about it? Well, he was overdue.

Simon stepped up to the receptionist’s circular desk at Ripper Records and braced his fist on top. “I need to see Lila Crandall.”

The receptionist arched a slim brown brow. “Mrs. Crandall is in meetings for the foreseeable—”

“Look, I’m not the dude to pull rank, and I was trying not to, which is why I’m even going through you in the first place. I could text her and she’d buzz me upstairs, but I was trying to do this the right way.”

She pursed her lips and picked up her phone. A moment later, she told him to go to elevator two.

He didn’t look at the gold and platinum records that lined the walls as he walked up the hallway to the elevator. Nor did he stare at the glossy magazine rolled up in his fist. He’d memorized the small sidebar article already anyway.

It didn’t take long for him to reach Lila’s office. He stood outside her door and lifted his hand to knock, but her door swung inward before he could.

And he came face to face with his best friend.

Nick Crandall angled his head, his focus immediately dropping to the magazine Simon clutched. “Where’s the fire, Kagan?”

“I need to talk to Li.”

Nick crossed his arms and waited.

“You’re not her goddamn bodyguard. Can’t I speak to my manager without you running interference?” Simon nearly regretted his tone until Nick shoved him back a step.

“You better watch the attitude you come in here with. What is this?” Nick grabbed the magazine before Simon could block the move. Snake-quick reflexes, that was Nick.

Nick unfolded the magazine and scanned the page before locking his jaw. “This asshole again,” he muttered. “What the fuck is this?”

“What I came here to ask your wife.” Simon yanked the magazine back as Lila stepped into the doorway, her sharp heels clicking on the floor.

She did not seem surprised to see him.

“Simon, come inside. Nicholas, go do something. Like head down to studio B, your supposed reason for being here.”

Surprisingly, he didn’t argue. Just stared hard at Simon. “Lewis doesn’t always consult with her when he sets his little plots in motion. Remember that.” He turned to give Li a quick kiss before striding down the hall.

Simon met Lila’s gaze unflinchingly. “Is that true? You were unaware that Ian is now signed to Ripper Records?”

“I knew it before you arrived. I did not know it before the contracts were drawn up.”

“And if you had? Would you have fought on my behalf, or simply looked to cash in?”

Her bluebell eyes turned hard. “Come in my office. This is not a conversation to be held in the hallway.”

He followed her inside and barely checked the urge to slam the door.

This wasn’t Lila’s fault. Intellectually, he understood that. It wasn’t even Lewis’s doing. If Ian showed up and started to sing, what were they going to do? Turn him away out of some loyalty to Simon, who’d been on their roster for years?

Yes. That was exactly what he’d believed they would do—if his thoughts had even veered that far.

They hadn’t.

Other than preparing for the baby, he’d spent the couple of weeks upon their return from Europe mostly hibernating with his wife, trying to dodge phone calls from people wanting his take on Ian’s sudden metaphoric rise. There had even been questions about Ian’s heroics on the beach, asking if he was a proud older brother.

He couldn’t define his emotions right now, but pride wasn’t one of them.

“You want a drink?”

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