Rock Reclaimed (Rock Revenge Trilogy 2) - Page 85

“Well, you certainly aren’t wearing your team-player jersey.”

“What about Ian? What does he think about this idea?” He waited a beat, then shook his head as she glanced away. “Oh, he doesn’t know.”

“Hardly made sense to tell him if you weren’t onboard.”

“Three songs only. No shows.”

“We’ll see.”

“What if he’s not interested? Then what? You hire a PI to make sure he isn’t planning on taking advantage of your fresh-faced cousin?”

“You’d be surprised the means I have. You were my first choice. But rest assured, you’re not my only option.” She glanced at her watch. “I have a meeting. So, are you in or out?”

Simon fisted a handful of his hair before letting it go and running his hands down his thighs. He should talk about this with Margo—hell, with Nicky, who would probably see this as infidelity to Oblivion—but Lila wasn’t one to wait for him to have the necessary conversations.

Besides, Margo would advocate Simon doing this. Not because she trusted Ian any more than Li or Simon. But she’d see it as Simon either achieving closure with the situation…or possibly opening a door to a new relationship with his brother.

Christ, even the word didn’t slot right in his head. He didn’t have a brother. He’d always been an only child. Hadn’t minded it, either.

Maybe as a kid, he’d wished he wasn’t alone. But that was a long time ago.

Alone, as Ian had been too. Just without the non-blood family Simon had made. And now he’d have blood too, with his child.

Margo would quietly nudge him to say yes. So he would know one way or the other if it was possible for him to forge some kind of…anything with Ian. Just in case.

And Nicky, well, he’d be pissed regardless. With advance warning or none. It wouldn’t make much difference. He didn’t do well with things that might take away from the band.

“You know your husband is not going to like this.”

Lila arched a brow and folded her hands.

“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Let me handle Nicholas. Is your answer yes or no?”

Simon sucked in a breath. God help him. He better get some credit for doing this good deed from someone. Anyone. He’d settle for an extra BJ or two from his wife, but he demanded some kind of recompense. Cold, hard cash was not enough.

“I’m in. But if this turns out to be a horrible idea—”

“It’s my fault, and you’re to get a month off at Christmas, no press commitments or otherwise.” Lila smiled. “You and Margo both.”

Simon grinned, but he didn’t mention that they’d need time off then anyway, due to the little fact of his wife giving birth.

One bridge crossed at a time, please.

“You got it.” He’d made it to the door before she spoke again.

“He’s doing some shows up north right now, but expect to hear from me with studio dates by the end of the week.”

He grunted. Sooner than he’d wanted. Fuck, this was actually going to happen.

But if Ian was up to more than just wanting to sing his knickers off, Simon would figure it out and shut the bastard down.


Lila’s rare usage of his name made him pivot toward her and arch a bro

w. Usually, it was Kagan or Mr. Kagan or nothing at all.

Tags: Cari Quinn Rock Revenge Trilogy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024