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Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3)

Page 27

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Swallowing hard, she glanced down at herself. She’d lost one of her shoes. Her hose were ripped. The white twin set sweater and top she’d put on this morning—or yesterday or whenever—was torn and dirty. There was blood on her inner arm. And all of a sudden, her head ached like a bitch.

But she was free.

She was finally free.

Thank God.

Just in case they changed their minds and decided to come back, she hurriedly pulled off her other pump and rushed up the side of the road in her stocking feet. It was late at night, although she couldn’t guess the time.

In the distance, there was just the faintest orangeish-pink light along the horizon. Dawn was coming, and she had to get help.

Had to make sure her baby was okay.

She didn’t have a clue where she was or possession of her ID and her phone. Didn’t matter. She was free. If she had to limp a hundred miles to safety, she’d do it.

First, she had to get out of the flow of traffic.

Up ahead, there was a parking lot with a few squat buildings side by side. The scatter of cars in the lot made her already stampeding heartbeat pick up speed. Though her ankles hurt from the shackles and the weird positions she’d been forced into, she moved as quickly as she could.

Halfway across the lot, she saw the words Vegas Quick Care on one of the buildings.

A clinic.

Had they left her nearby intentionally or was this just blind luck?

Eyes wet again, she hurried toward the building, coming up short when she saw the hours listed on a sign in the window.

It didn’t open until eight am.

“You’re a little early, Miss—oh, Miss, sit down.”

Margo scarcely had time to turn toward the older gentleman with salt and pepper hair before she swayed on her feet. He helped guide her onto a bench, and she fumbled for his arm as her vision wavered at the edges and nausea churned in her belly.

“You have to help me. I was kidnapped.” She took a deep breath and marshaled the last of her strength. “My name is Margo Kagan.”


He took the phone with a frown and brought it up to his ear. He glanced at Aidan for a clue as to what to do, but the change in plan seemed to be throwing everyone off, not just Simon.

“Hello.” His voice was flat and hard.

“Pleased to finally make your acquaintance, Mr. Kagan.”

Silence seemed the better part of valor at this point. Beca

use he was ready to bodily drag this piece of shit’s ass through the phone and stomp on his goddamn neck.

“Nothing to say? You’re much smarter than your younger brother.”

“He’s not my brother,” he ground out.

“Ah, well. He’s worth very little to me. You’ve always been my big fish, son. Now let’s get down to it.”

Panic and anger clanged in his head like Jazz’s hi-hats. “Where is my fucking wife?”

“She’s safe. For now.”

Simon fisted his hands as Aidan’s people swarmed around him, trying to triangulate the call—at least that was his guess based on the wordless communication going on. He couldn’t concentrate on any of that.

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