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Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3)

Page 42

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Her and their lemon drop.

And they were going home.


I’d never been good at picking my moment.

From the state of things, I hadn’t been good at picking much.

Except for one shining exception.

I turned my head to where Zoe was tucked into the corner of the hospital couch, her head resting on her folded sweater. I didn’t want to leave her alone for even a moment, but the waiting room was full of Ripper Records people and she would be safe.

We’d been waiting forever—hours, but it felt eternal—for Simon, Margo, and Nick to fly in. The richie rich hospital had a helipad which made the ultra luxe mode of transportation a bit on the divine side. Lila had recently escaped to track down her husband and make sure the transition moved swiftly and smoothly.

But now everyone was present and the time had come.

If I waited any longer, I’d probably miss my chance. As it was, I’d have to work at slipping in without being caught.

All I needed was a few minutes. It wasn’t enough, but I would make do.

Lila and Nick were leaning against each other a few feet away. Lila looked paler and more drawn than I could’ve ever imagined. That was what love and worry did to a person. I understood, because I felt as if I’d been ripped apart inside and fit back together in all the wrong ways.

I was an outsider in this world. New and untrustworthy for valid reasons. Their worst impressions of me had been borne out. My feelings weren’t as important as theirs, even if I couldn’t take a full breath or even close my eyes without reliving the horror Margo must’ve gone through.

But this wasn’t about me. Not now. Not anymore. It was about me making things right.

When everyone was sufficiently turned away from us and not paying me and Zoe any mind, I simply walked away. I was skilled at getting away undetected. After all, I’d been sneaking around in some form or another all my life.

I found Margo’s room and approached it as if my footsteps were akin to the ticking of a bomb. I moved carefully. Slowly. My throat went tight as I stepped to the door and glimpsed Simon through the skinny pane of glass. He wouldn’t be leaving that room until he absolutely had to, and I didn’t blame him. I would’ve been the same.

As it was, I wanted to stand guard outside Margo’s room myself.

The thought must’ve conjured Roth’s men out of the ether, because two of them strode up the hallway, their hair cut militarily short, their eyes flat and hard. “You’re not sanctioned to be here.”

No kidding. Just how was I supposed to sneak past not only my brother, but these two? At the same time, I was grateful for their presence. They would keep Margo—and my little niece or nephew—safe.

“Understood.” I gave them a quick nod and kept walking past Margo’s room to the nearest loo. Where I stayed for probably ten minutes, until I decided to test my chances again.

I heard voices as I approached, so before I reached the bend in the hallway, I took out my mobile and pretended to be occupied. A nurse hurried past, and I dropped back just in time for her not to see me. I peered around the corner at the sound of more voices, swallowing hard at the sight of my brother between the two security guards. They were walking away from Margo’s room at a fast clip, probably leading Simon somewhere—he needed security as well, since he’d been one of the targets—and another pair of guards would relieve them in a moment.

My window was narrow.

I was taking it.

I rushed up the hallway, my footsteps as soundless as possible, and didn’t dare look back as I turned the handle of Margo’s room. I expected voices to shout at me to halt, but there was silence. I slipped inside and thanked the gods above that Margo didn’t have a roommate.

Money didn’t only talk, it screamed if necessary.

The curtain around the other bed was pulled back, and Margo was resting. Her eyes were closed and she seemed about a shade darker than the sheets. Her dark hair spilled over the pillows, an inky cape. I took a step forward, then another, my throat aching with everything I wanted to say.

“You’re brave.”

I stopped still as Margo’s head swiveled toward me on the pillow.

“Yes, I knew it was you.”


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