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Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3)

Page 60

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and stuffed bread in his mouth.

“It’s not that simple.”

“Says who?”

I frowned. “Proper society.”

Flynn threw back his head and laughed. Roared with laughter, more accurately. “Fuck, you really care about those prigs?”

“Shouldn’t I?”

“Hell, no.” Flynn finally sobered and went back for more bread. Wordlessly, he pushed the remainder of the loaf toward me. When I hesitated, he added, “There’s more.”

Well, then, I wouldn’t be rude and refuse my host.

“Look, you’re an artist, right?”

I jerked a shoulder and paused to swallow a chunk of buttered bread. Glorious. “I used to be.”

“What do you mean, used to be? Didn’t you just get a record contract?”

“Yeah. I kinda skipped out.”

Flynn sat back and raised a brow. “How does that work?”

“I just left.”

“And Donovan let you?”

I shrugged. “He’s not the emperor of the world.”

“Tell that to him. He hasn’t tried to contact you? Or not him, but one of his flunkies?”

“The only ‘flunky’,” I did air quotes, “I’ve spoken to is my manager. She informed me that I could take some time off to center myself.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

I shrugged. “I think she’s doing yoga now. Last month, she would’ve been telling me to get my ass back to work.”

“Is she hot?”

“Mr. Sheppard, that’s a rather misogynistic question.” I dipped my finger into the pool of butter on my plate. I probably would’ve licked it had I been alone. “She’s very attractive.”

“But you don’t care because you’ve committed yourself to the life of a monk.”

“Exactly, and she’s not my type anyway.”

“You’re a besotted fool.”

I ignored him. “Besides, who’s dumb enough to sleep with their manager?” As soon as I’d asked the question, I remembered Zoe’s cousin Lila, who hadn’t only slept with one of her artists, she’d married him.

At least that was one potential mistake I hadn’t made. There weren’t a lot.

“People have been shitting where they eat since the beginning of time.” Flynn shrugged. “What difference does it make? You fuck, you work, you keep it separate.”

I laughed into my fist. “I’m guessing you’ve been single often. Because that never happens.”

“It does if you keep your streams separate.” He moved two fingers back and forth as if that clarified everything, then unfolded his long body from the stool. “Want a beer?”

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