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Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3)

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But when Grant, Ian’s lead guitarist, flashed a smile and strummed out the solo part of one of Ian’s new songs I figured they were on the right track.

I ran over to my aunt to make sure she didn’t need anything then headed over to my brother Hayes who was speaking with Gray Duffy, Jazz’s husband and co-lead guitarist of Oblivion. Beck was pacing at the edge of the dais, but his frown cleared as Gray hit some switch and the lights twirled.

Thank God. I sure as crap didn’t know anything about fixing lights. Unless they were studio ones and that was a totally different animal thank you very much.

The next few hours were a whirlwind of chores. Grabbing ice for the various drums they had set up for cold drinks since it was hot as freaking blazes. August was staring with another heat wave. Just what we needed. Luckily my brothers had convinced my dad to invest in aqueducts during one of our better seasons so the trees weren’t in jeopardy. Just the workers and heat stroke.

But today wasn’t for that. Today was about having fun and celebrating the first of the apples being picked. There was a dunking challenge with the Paula Reds at the far edges of the clearing. Kids were running around with others along the hills. A pair of Bouncy Houses were nearly at capacity on either end of the festival area.

I caught sight of Lila and Avery near the cider station. We showed the kids how we pressed the apples and encouraged them to try their hand at it. Of course Charlie—aka Charlotte—was up on the little bench trying her hand at it. Avery was beside her mother shouting out the correct way to do it based on the instructions listed.

They were a handful, but they were the most beautiful little girls I’d ever known.

I crossed to them. “Hey.”

“Oh, hi.” Lila absently stroked down Avery’s ponytail. “You guys did an amazing job.”

“Thanks.” I crouched down to Avery. “Having fun?”

“Yes.” She peered up at Lila. “Charlie is getting juice all over her dress, mama.”

“I’m pretty sure the both of you will be covered in apples of some sort by the end of the day.”

I stood up. “There’s baby wipes at most of the drink stations if you need them.”

Lila patted her large diaper bag. “Always have them on hand.”

I laughed. “Thanks for coming, LeeLee.”

She shrugged. “I’m not going to miss out time with my family just because I’m not sure about the man you’ve decided to hook yourself to.”

I didn’t want to fight. Instead of backing away and letting her have her opinion, I stepped closer to her and hugged her hard. “Give him a chance.” I whispered into her ear and stepped back when I heard Beckett’s voice through the speakers. “Bye, girls. I’ll find you in a little bit. I need to get down there before they start.” I gripped Lila’s hand one last time. She gave me a tight smile.

It would have to do. I couldn’t change her mind over night. Even Ian hadn’t been able to do that for me and I loved him senseless. I jogged back to the small stage.

“I want to thank you all for coming. Don’t forget to try some of my little brother’s moonshine in the far tent. He fancies himself a brew master. Maybe next summer we’ll see some of it in that big distillery over there. Now, it’s time for some music, yeah? We’re going to start it off with one of our own.”

The crowd moved closer as Ian and his band came up the stairs and to the stage.

My chest tightened. I knew my brothers weren’t quite sure what to make of Ian, but he’d wormed his way into their hearts. But to have Beckett’s seal of approval made her eyes sting. Well, his version of approval.

He slapped Ian on the shoulder and he stumbled forward a step at the mic. “Thanks, mate. I’m Ian Kagan and we hope you like what we’ve put together for you. Some old songs, some very old songs.” He pointed at Hayes with a wink. “And a few new ones if you’ll indulge us.”

He started off with a cover song and got the crowd into it with his crazy stage antics.

I pulled out Matilda and moved my way to the front to get a few shots of him. He hammed it up a bit for me when he got to the rousing chorus of “London Calling”.

My heart swelled again watching my man do what he did best. Owned the crowd with charm and a little bit of cheeky, raunchy humor. I was glad to hear him temper it a bit for the children around. But the night was getting late and some of the children were leaving.

He slowed it down with a love song and I recognized the lyrics to his biggest hit so far. The one that was exploding onto every airwave and channel. It was becoming the song of the summer. Lark sang Flynn’s parts and gave it a different spin with her sweet, bell of a voice.

I stood front and center as he sang down to me. All the love and passion I’d ever wanted was right there in his eyes. Especially the love.

“That was for the love of my life. Miss Zoe Manning.”

I wanted to shrink into the ground. I waved him off.

“The future mother of my children, ladies and gentleman. I love her madly.”

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