Christmas with a Rockstar (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3.50) - Page 1


As I sat beside the twelve foot Christmas tree twinkling with light, I couldn’t help feeling so incredibly blessed. While some people dreaded the holidays because of a potential shit-show with their families, I was so very lucky to love and get along with mine so well. Shifting on the couch, I desperately wanted to undo the straining button on my jeans. No one made the traditional trappings of a Southern Christmas dinner quite like my Mom and Nana. I’d filled not one, but two plates to the brim along with putting a dent in the dessert table. Of course, every year I lamented not wearing stretchy leggings or sweat pants.

With a smile, I watched my husband, Rhys, playing with my nieces and nephews in the floor of my parents’ living room. As he romped among the mountain of crumpled wrapping paper and toy boxes, I wished his fans could see him now. They certainly never saw this side of him when he was on stage. His dark eyes were far too serious, and his handsome face was always in the zone as he strummed along the bass melody for the hit band, Runaway Train. Although he always wowed me with his musical talent, this was the side of him I fell in love with. The side that showed such love and compassion in spite of the cold and unfeeling upbringing he had experienced in Savannah society.

He’d come so far from the lost man I’d first met when I was just a lovesick teenage girl. For years, I’d harbored an eternal flame for Rhys McGowan. It burned so brightly that none of the boys I knew ever could compete. Patiently I’d bided my time, waiting for him to see me as more than his bandmate and best friend’s little sister. When I was twenty and in college at SCAD in Savannah, a romance finally bloomed and culminated in us becoming physical after a night of tequila and skinny dipping at his parents’ pool-house.

Unfortunately, we didn’t ride off into the sunset after that night. We’d still endured a difficult road. Just when I thought we’d cemented our relationship by sleeping together, Rhys pushed me away claiming I was too young, and he had taken advantage of me. He left me broken-hearted in Savannah. Months passed by without a word from him, so I started the painful process of healing my broken heart.

But then the lead singer of Runaway Train, who also happened to be my older brother Jake, asked me to come along on tour to be the nanny for his twins. Riding along in such close quarters reawakened the feelings we had once experienced. Even though we tried to just be friends, it just wasn’t possible. Once again, the physical and emotional need for each other overcame all the obstacles in the way. Of course, we tried hard to keep our new relationship a secret. But when you’re living life in a caravan of tour buses, it’s hard to keep secrets. When Jake found out, he initially blew his top, which resulted in a fist fight between him and Rhys. Thankfully, the two made up, and Jake gave us his blessing. The last four years had been amazing.

When Rhys’s laughter echoed the children’s, my heart once again overflowed. It made me excited for the day when I would see him interacting with his own child. While we’d dated the last four years, we’d just tied the knot this past summer. Originally, we’d planned to wait two or three years before trying for a child, but fate had other plans.

Reaching for my phone, I once again checked for any updates from Keira. I’d met the soon-to-be eighteen-year-old when I first started touring with Runaway Train as Jake and Abby’s nanny. Her father, Roland, had been a roadie with the band for several years. We had bonded over a shared love of fashion. She planned to follow in my footsteps and attend the Savannah College of Art and Design.

But then she’d found out she was pregnant. After the father abandoned her, Keira agonizingly realized she couldn’t possibly raise a child. That’s where our paths crossed yet again. My mind went back seven months ago to an arena in Des Moines when a tearful and desperate Keira had come to me.



As Runaway Train’s final song rang through the arena, I stood in the wings, waiting to welcome Rhys when he exited the stage. After being home the last three weeks, I’d come out on tour for the next five cities. Although my job as a fashion designer allowed me to work from anywhere, there were times I had to be at home to check in with the designer I was working for and oversee the production of my designs.

When someone tapped me on the shoulder, I whirled around. A smile curved on my lips when I saw it was Keira Galloway. Her father, Roland, was a veteran Runaway Train roadie. After his wife abandoned him when Keira was just five, he’d raised her as a single father with the help of his parents. She often joined him out on tour for a few stops.

“Hey, when do you get in?” I asked.

; “Just now. I drove all day.”

“You must be exhausted.” As I took a closer look at her, worry furrowed my brows. She appeared terribly pale while dark patches circled under her eyes. “Keira, are you okay?”

“I really need to talk to you.”

“Sure.” I motioned to hallway. “Let’s go back to one of the dressing rooms.”

Keira nodded and then fell in step with me. After I’d closed us inside an empty dressing room, I placed my hands on her shoulders. “Just take a deep breath and then tell me everything.”

Never in a million years would I have guessed the next words that would come from her lips. “I’m pregnant.”

“Oh Keira,” I murmured after I drew her in my arms. As I squeezed her tight, I asked, “Are you sure?”

“I saw a doctor this week. I’m two months.”

Pulling away, I peered into her frightened brown eyes. “What about your boyfriend?”

She hiccupped a rueful laugh. “What boyfriend? We broke up a month ago. When I told him I was pregnant, he claimed it wasn’t his. He’s blocked all my calls and texts.”

Bastard. I wanted to hunt down the prick who had done this and throttle him. Considering I wasn’t much of a physical challenge, I would just hire a few body builders to do it. “I’m so, so sorry.”

Keira’s trembling hands clutched mine. “Please, Allison, you have to help me.”

“Of course. Anything. I’m here for you.”

After drawing in a ragged breath, Keira said, “I know the best thing for me and for the baby is to give it up for adoption. But I can’t bear the thought of him or her going to just anybody.” Her next request caused my knees to buckle. “Would you and Rhys take the baby?”

As I fought to keep myself upright, I blinked in disbelief at her. “Y-You want me—Rhys and I—to adopt your baby?”

“Please. I can’t imagine anyone more wonderful to raise him or her.”

“Oh Keira, I’m extremely flattered, but I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

She shook her head. “Over the years, I’ve seen the two of you with Jake and Abby’s twins and with all the other Runway Train children. I know how much love in your heart you both have for kids. I know you could love mine just the same way.”

Unable to speak, I merely stared into her pleading eyes. I couldn’t find the proper words in that moment. How could anyone know what to say? She’d completely floored me in her request. Immediately, I felt unworthy. How could I possibly be the right one to raise Keira’s child? Surely, there were older and more prepared women out there to take the baby.

When I remained silent while processing the situation, Keira rushed on, “I know it might seem I’m asking this because of all you two could do for it financially, but I’m not. I know there are couples out there who would pay a lot of money for my baby. While it’s nice to think of it being spoiled, I care more about who you and Rhys are as people.” She nervously twisted a piece of dark hair behind her ear. “There’s also another reason why I want to choose you guys.”

“And what’s that?”

“I would still be able to see the baby. I mean, I wouldn’t expect you to tell him or her who I was or anything like that.” A sad smile flickered on her lips. “It would just be nice to be able to see him or her.”

I squeezed her hands. “Of course, the baby should know who you and what you sacrificed.”

Hope blossomed in her eyes. “Does that mean you will take him or her?”

“I have to talk to Rhys.”

She nodded. “Yeah. Sure.” Tilting her head at me, she asked, “But does that mean you want the baby?”

“The most honest answer I can give you is I don’t know. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that you’ve emotionally overwhelmed me with the offer. I…I just need time to think.”

“Oh. Okay.”

At her wounded expression, I cupped her cheek. “You have done Rhys and me the greatest honor of our lives by asking us to take your child. Regardless of what happens, I promise I will make sure your baby gets the best parents both for it and for you.”

Keira smiled. “Thanks, Allison. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

We were interrupted by the guys being jostled inside by their bodyguards and crew. I slunk off to the side of the room while Keira went to find her father. As I waited for the Meet and Greet to end, I wrecked my fresh manicure with my nervous nail-biting. When the last fan giddily hustled out of the room, I exhaled a relieved breath. Rhys made his way over to me. “Hey, babe.”

Forcing a smile to my face, I said, “Hey, yourself.”

Tilting his head, Rhys eyed me curiously. “You’re white as a sheet. Are you okay?”

Tags: Cari Quinn Rock Revenge Trilogy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024