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Christmas with a Rockstar (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3.50)

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“Let’s not get hasty. More like a six-pack.” Lila caught her tongue between her teeth as she lowered her head and pushed down his shorts another inch. “But that quiet sex is sounding better and better.”

“Oh, yeah?” He wove his fingers through her soft, thick hair, magically loosening her tidy little bun so that the apple-scented strands fell down around her shoulders. The tips skimmed his stomach and he went from interested to rock hard. “So, let’s get down to doing it and stop talking about it.” He nudged her head down toward his groin, and she went willingly, licking her slick pink lips. “Before—”

A knock sounded at the door and it swung open before he could so much as shout.

Simon threw up an arm to bar his eyes. “Jesus, man, can’t you control yourself?”

Lila rolled her eyes and casually tugged up his shorts. She hadn’t even gotten them all the way down yet, for God’s sake. So much for building up the moment. “You saw nothing.”

“Nothing he hasn’t seen before anyway.”

“Yeah, Christ, I’ve had to see you parading around naked plenty over the years. But that was before I became a father.”

“You mean of the cloth? Because not sure why else that would cause you to blush and clutch your pearls. Also, need I remind you we’re in our room?” Nick sat up and pushed his hands through his hair. “What do you want? Is your wife in labor yet?”

Simon blinked. “No. Why would you say that?”

“Hello, Murphy’s law. Isolated part of the island, house full of inept people who wouldn’t have the foggiest how to birth a child, incoming disastrous weather. It’s a Lifetime movie of the week waiting to happen.”

Lila leaned over and covered his mouth. “What Nicholas meant to ask was how is Margo feeling?”

“She’s fine. A little tired, but that’s to be expected. I can’t remember. Were you exhausted toward the end?” Simon asked Li.

“I was exhausted all seven and a half months.” She smiled wryly. “Yet here we are, wanting more. Am I a masochist?”

“No, you just know you won’t land on the twins slice of the lottery wheel twice in a row, so it has to be better.” Nick grinned evilly at his best friend. “Maybe Margo is really having twins. Sometimes one hides on the sonogram, and then surprise!”

Simon swallowed audibly. “Nah. We saw in there. Not enough room for two.”

“Oh, you never know. You’d be surprised how…elastic a woman’s uterus is.”

“And you know precisely nothing about it, so stop tormenting the poor guy.” Lila pinched his thigh.

“We’re about to have an early dinner. But if you’re not hungry, stay up here and do what you do.” Simon’s eyebrows waggled.

Nick might’ve even believed he was back in full Simon mode if not for the panicked sheen to his eyes. Ah, the threat of twins was enough to bring any new father to his knees.

It had surely worked on him.

“Thank you for the enthusiastic blessing, but you’re a boner-killer if ever I’ve seen one.” Nick rose and held out a hand to Li. “Coming?”

“Not tonight obviously,” she muttered, making him grin.

“The night’s not over yet, Dragon Lady.” He patted her ass as she moved in front of him to walk out of their suite.

Maybe this vacation wouldn’t suck after all.


Simon scrubbed his palm down the leg of his cargos. If he had his way, he’d still be in his board shorts…or better yet, naked. He wasn’t really used to people in the church beyond Margo.

Oh, they’d had people to visit before, but it still felt crowded. No matter how many additions he put on the place, he still liked it best when it was just the loft and Margo. Jazz and Gray had been too entrenched in toddler Christmas to make the trip. Then Harper and Deacon had backed out thanks to an overbooking of Harper’s catering business. Simon had been a little sad they couldn’t make it only because he thought the whole band needed some proper bonding time after the shitstorm of the last few months.

For fuck’s sake, more like the last year.

But the future looked truly bright for his band for the first time in a long time. Both on the future album that was already percolating between all of them and the families they were creating. They’d have plenty of time to bond over babies and future babies if Nick and Lila had anything to say about it.

To be honest, all of the women in Oblivion were looking for another baby added to their family roster. Simon hadn’t thought he and Margo were ever going to be on the same page. Now?

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