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Christmas with a Rockstar (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3.50)

Page 104

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“I knew you were getting close to moving in together and I hope like hell she agrees.” I’m not sure why I open my mouth to say any more, but for some reason I do.

“I’m asking her to marry me tonight… here in this house.” His jaw grips tight just before he smiles; I’m not sure if that’s his way of reassuring me or what, but I take it as so even though I don’t feel like I need to have his approval. He’s happy in his life and she deserves the same.

“Well then I hope she agrees to that as well. It won’t be long and you’ll be just like all of us sappy ass Rebel Walking dads, spending time with the offspring any chance you get.” I don’t respond to him. I just allow the beer in my hand to close my mouth for me and take down the rest of the second one before reaching for the third.


I’ve been at the center with the girls all day and I couldn’t have picked

a better way to spend it. There’s a little boy here that has my full attention and I can’t help but want to scoop him up and take him home with me. Jace is three years old and from what I’ve been told, both his parents are in jail and he’s awaiting foster care.

I look back and catch the girls watching over me as I play with trucks on the floor without a single ounce of shame. “I’ll be right back, okay?” Before I have the chance to stand, he’s climbing into my lap to stop me.

“You no leave me. You stay.” He wraps his little arms around my neck and holds me tight. And just like that my heart explodes in my chest and I can’t speak over the huge lump in my throat. Tears threaten to fall as I once again turn around to see the girls watching me.

The next thing I know I’m kissing the top of his head and holding him in a tight hug that he started, neither of us wanting to let go.

“Alright Jace, let’s let Miss Kimber go and we’ll get you some ice cream.” He doesn’t release his hold on me in the slightest and it takes every single thing in me not to stand up with him wrapped around my neck and walk out of here with him. He’s scared and misses his family and that’s obvious.

“That’s alright… we’ll go get some ice cream together.” I wave off the woman and even manage to stand, our hold never breaking. “Jace… what kind of ice cream do you like? My favorite is chocolate.”


And with that little encounter I knew what I had to do. I knew exactly what my purpose in life was supposed to be and for the first time in over a year I was actually excited for something outside of the frequent times Aiden would come to see me.

I’m sitting in the small dining area about to help Jace with his ice cream when I look up to see Lilly walk in. She hesitates before acknowledging me, but still does. It just dawns on me that Luke had mentioned she was spending a lot of time working with foster children. I’m not sure why I never put two and two together that I might run into her here, but I didn’t.

With Jace in my lap, all the past seems insignificant and if she can help me get what I need to bring Jace home with me, then I’ll become her best friend if that’s what it takes. Like I said, I don’t have any hard feelings for her. She makes Luke happy and that’s all I ever wanted for him.

“What do I have to do to become Jace’s mother?” I don’t waste time on any of the irrelevant small talk, knowing she’s probably more uncomfortable than I am.

“He’s in the foster program for now. His parents are both going to be away for a very long time.”

“How long is a long time?”

“The mother is looking at fifteen years. The father was already convicted with thirty years.” I’m afraid to ask what for, so I don’t. Jace doesn’t need to hear any of it and I’m saddened just to think about what he’s seen in his short little life.

“What will it take for me to get him?”

“They can start the process of getting you approved immediately. You’d need to move here.”

“I’m already planning that.” I don’t miss the rise of her eyebrow.

“Good.” Her response is short and clipped.

“Look. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable by being here and honestly that’s the only reason I’ve stayed away. I wanted you and Luke to be able to build your life with your friends and family without the constant reminder of what happened.” She sits down across from me at our table.

“We are very fortunate to be where we are today and you’re a part of the reason we have this life to be thankful for. You saved my life. You saved Luke’s life even though you don’t realize it. I’m just sorry you were caught up in all of it and both Luke and I wish we could do something for you to help lessen the hurt.” I sit back in my seat before I respond, thinking carefully about what I’m about to say and how I say it.

“My hurt was healed long ago. It’s easy to see that you two were meant for each other and now I’ve found my own soul mate. I love Aiden and even though Luke and I have a short past together… what we had was nothing in comparison to what Aiden and I have now.”

“I’m so happy to hear it coming from you. I always ask Luke to find out if you’re okay and you know how men are… his answers are always lacking detail. I’ve been dying to just call you myself and ask you all the questions. I guess it’s in my nature to make sure everyone’s okay around me. It’s what got us into that mess.” I have nothing but respect for this woman and I’m not sure how close we’ll be in the future, all of that depends on how the group takes to me moving here. It seems as though they’ll all be happy about my decision though.

I guess we’ll know soon enough because I have to tell Aiden what my plans are tonight so I can move forward with the process of getting Jace.


“Did you have fun with the girls?” After a day of intense thought, I’ve just about mentally wore myself out thinking about what I’ll do if she says no. She must sense my turmoil because the first thing she does is question me.

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