Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 19

“Fuck you. I’m not your honey.” She shoved me back with the flat of her hand.

Much to my surprise, it almost hurt. Almost.

She wasn’t through yet. “You had your tongue down my throat. That doesn’t make me your little woman.”

“I never said—”

She was still coming at me, pushing me backward with surprising strength. I wasn’t putting up a struggle, true, but she was still driving me up the sidewalk. And she wasn’t even winded. With her eyes blazing and her braid trailing in the wind, she was a beautiful sight.

Not that I dared tell her that, in case she decided to go for my nuts.

“Guys like you, you think you know everything. You’ve got the world by a string, and it only ever unwinds the way you want it to. That’s not how it is for the rest of us. We have to fight for what we want. We have to bleed.”

She stopped shoving me and started yanking on my shirt to expand upon her opinion. If we’d been inside, I was pretty sure this conversation would’ve ended with her pulling off my clothes. And vice versa. The leashed energy pouring from her was seriously turning me on, and I was rapidly losing the ability to argue coherently. Anytime now I’d probably volunteer to fight her naked in front of a crowd of jeering men with slabs of raw meat attached to my ass.

Hey, it could happen.

“Are you listening to me? Can you even hear me through that thick skull of yours?” She was yelling now, punctuating her questions with bruising knuckle jabs.

Fuck, she was hotter than hell.

I’d never been harder in my life.

I might’ve even fallen a little in love.

Chapter Nine


I was not getting the reaction I wanted.

Any minute now, Fox’s tongue would loll out of his mouth. I wanted to slap him full in the face and tell him to get a hold of himself, but that probably would’ve spun his crank more.

Men. They were such predictable creatures. Cute sometimes, annoying others, but so very manageable. At least if you knew how to fight back. And I did.

I also knew when I couldn’t reach my opponent. This one needed something a rational conversation could not provide. I’d suggest he go take care of business in the shower, but I really didn’t have any desire to broach the subject of sex in any form.

Bad enough that I’d let him kiss me. That I’d kissed him back. That I’d enjoyed it with every particle of my body and most likely a few of his too.

Now I needed to get home. I’d put the idea of us fighting out there. He could stew on it. Beat off to it. Whatever. But I would get my way. My sister was counting on me, and I needed the money I could get from fighting him. Nothing else mattered.

“Stop it.” Fox’s irises glittered in the moonlight. “You’re not hitting me anymore.” He reached up to pry my hands away from his chest and seized my fingers in an iron grip.

I nearly moaned at the bolt of heat that speared between my legs. Hell, maybe I’d make myself come too. Clearly, we both had too much excess energy. How could we talk like rational human beings when all we cared about was rubbing up against each other?

Not that I ever did that sort of thing. I didn’t even get horny. Well, fine, occasionally. But not on any regular basis, and I usually just worked out extra hard to compensate. I didn’t even own a sex toy. I had no idea when I’d last had an orgasm.

Unless I counted right now, because if Fox kept looking at me like that, it was going to happen all on its own.

“Why are you staring at me?” I demanded, hoping he couldn’t hear the thin thread of need in my tone. Anytime now I’d start panting.

“Are you honestly asking me that? Jesus, are you that dense?” He grabbed my hand and pressed it to his cock, and hell if I didn’t squeal like most girls did when presented with a bug.

Nice, Anderson. Show him you’re a worthy opponent by acting scared of his penis.

I moved closer and palmed the front of his jeans, more out of a desire to seem okay with the situation than because I wanted to learn his precise shape. And length. He seemed to go on and on, stuffed as he was into that life-constricting denim. He’d be sterile soon if he didn’t relax.

Judging from his groan, my fumbling caresses weren’t helping to ease his strain.

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025