Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 31

She panted out a laugh and tipped back her head, allowing me to see the long line of her throat. I leaned in to nip her jaw and she made a little noise that wasn’t quite a whimper, not quite a sigh.

“Again,” I murmured, jerking against her unintentionally. My dick had a mind of its own, and it wanted into that tight clasp of heat. “Make that sound again.”

She complied, adding a swivel of her hips that lured me close enough to brush her pussy, coating me in her slick warmth. Oh God, I shouldn’t be doing this. We barely knew each other. She wasn’t that kind of girl. No matter how she thought of herself, I didn’t think of her that way, and I didn’t want this for her. For us. A back alley fuck behind a bar wasn’t what we would be about.

No, we’d be about bruising and bloodying and generally trying to kill each other for other people’s entertainment. And their money.

“Get a condom,” she whispered, her frosty breath puffing out between us like vapor.

I stared at her, half-expecting to wake up in my bed with my cock in my hand as I had the other night after she’d teased me to the point of nearly exploding in my pants.

She closed the space between us, her cool lips meeting mine. “If you don’t have any…”

“I do. Of course I do.” I had condoms for every day of the week. And women, though none were like Mia.

I didn’t even know her last name.

She tilted her pelvis against mine, and I forgot that worry like so many others. I fumbled for my wallet and pulled out a foil packet without hesitation. I rolled it down my length, noting the surprising lack of shrinkage considering the inhospitable penis conditions.

Then I was pushing her up the wall again, grateful she had my leather jacket to protect her skin, while I nudged the tip of my hard-on inside. My hips bucked until her snug passage accepted more. “Let me in, baby,” I breathed, thrusting deep as my urgency overtook me.

She cried out and I caught the sound in my mouth, going still for a moment as I made sure she was okay. Shit, she was tight. And wet. And so hot that I couldn’t stay motionless for long, though I wanted to ask questions I probably shouldn’t.

Asking Mia if she was all right, if maybe this was new to her or if it had just been a while—though that didn’t really fit either, taking her earlier behavior into account—would be reason one for her to return my sac to me on a platter, garnished with parsley and water chestnuts.

After pulling out, I inched back in. Again and again. Once her hips started tentatively meeting mine, I picked up the pace.

Sweet hell, she felt incredible.

I decided I’d save the Q&A about the last time she’d had sex for when I wasn’t sliding into her with long, deep strokes that made her shudder and grab my arms. I pushed her up higher on the wall, liking the angle that way, savoring the clutch of her legs around my hips, and reached up to free her ha

ir from its braid.

Thick wavy strands tumbled down around us, cloaking me in her darkness, and I pressed my lips to hers, warming them with her name while we fumbled through what had to be the clumsiest, coldest fuck in the history of sex.

I sucked in a breath ripe with the scent of garbage turning rancid in the cans along the back fence. Too loud laughter burst out from inside every now and then, competing with the really crappy techno rock. And now it was starting to snow. Or sleet. Little pellets of ice bounced off the metal cans and pelted my eyes. She let out another laugh-moan, tipping her head back. Lifting the veil of her hair from us long enough to let in the streetlight before dipping her head down to close us in the dark.

Riding me so fast, like a blur. Never losing her rhythm. Never losing mine.

It shouldn’t have been a stolen slice of perfection. But it was. I knew it would end even while I fought to prolong it, drawing back, easing my thrusts, refusing her frantic attempts to kiss me as the bubble of need between us built. So close to bursting.

She chased my mouth, biting my lips with the violence that pulled me toward her even as it pushed me away. We were in the same life, and it had only become one I wanted to continue living when I realized she was part of it too.

She made me want to keep fighting.

If I did, I’d have to fight her. I didn’t know when or how or why I’d become the thing she had to beat, but somehow I was.

With a pained cry, she braced, bouncing unsteadily on my cock as she dug her nails into my shoulders. “Tray…”

She sounded so uncertain, so…urgent. I could come just from the husky rasp of her voice. “What do you need?”

Then I knew. I wanted to hit my head on the brick until the pain cracked some sense into me.

I fitted my thumb between our bodies, letting out a hiss at the damp heat that awaited me. It took a while to get her motor running, but man, once it was in gear, she operated at max RPMs.

Jostling her higher, I changed the depth of my penetration and rubbed her stiff clit, unprepared for her abrupt moan and the way she carved her nails into my skin through my shirt. Another minute of this and I’d be bleeding.

Shit, that turned me on too. Everything about her did.

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025