Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 44

Well…maybe. It depended how fast I could get my hands on one of those sex toys. I wondered if Kizzy could possibly be up yet. She was a morning riser.

I smothered a groan. I’d officially finally lost my mind.

“You’re completely obvious. I knew you two were together the instant you came through the door. He had that look in his eye,” Carly continued, evidently unaware of my mental hysterics. “Like you were his.”

I snapped my attention back to Carly as I replayed Fox’s earlier statements in my head.



I’d ignored the growl in his voice when he uttered those words in the alley outside the bar. People said all sorts of things when they came. One guy had called me “Mother Maria” while I’d been sucking him off. It didn’t mean anything.

I wouldn’t let it.

“It’s not like that, Car.” I turned to check on the brownies.

“How dumb do you think I am? I can tell you guys were together tonight.” She slapped her hand next to mine on the controls on the stove. I hadn’t managed to turn the

dial yet. “Sex together.”

“What do you know about it?”

“Nothing yet. I’m hoping you’ll fill me in.” She waggled her brows and crossed her arms over her gaping robe.

Cripes, had she flashed boob at Fox? Unlike her older sister, Carly actually had breasts. Nice ones I would’ve been jealous of had I not thought tits were basically a pain in the ass.

“So? Spill it. Is he amazing? He has to be amazing with a body like that. Even his hips swivel just right when he walks. I bet he fucks like a stallion.”

What the what? Was that really my baby sister talking that way? I absolutely couldn’t take any more for one day.

“Your brownies are done. Probably the biscuits too.” I pressed a hand to my temple. It throbbed like a bitch all of a sudden. I needed ibuprofen and I needed my bed. “You’ll still be here in a couple of hours?”

“Yeah. I’ll be here a while.” She laid a hand on my cheek. “You feel hot. Are you okay?”

Tears from the unexpected comfort of having her with me again swam into my eyes. I ruthlessly battled them back. No more tears today. “I’m fine.” I pulled her close. “I love you.”

“I love you to the moon and back,” she responded as she always did, reminding me so much of our mother. Right then the memory was reassuring, not painful.

The pain would return. It always did. Now I’d settle for comfortably numb. Or even better, comfortably unconscious.

“Go get some sleep.” Carly gave me a light shove.

I nodded and obeyed her, too tired to do anything else. My bed was calling me like a lover. A loud and lusty one.

I had just made it to my bedroom when I heard her voice again.

“Fox must’ve worn you right out,” she called before I shut the door behind me.

“Jesus.” I turned and dropped my forehead to the cool wood.

What had happened to my baby sister?

What had happened to me?

Chapter Sixteen


Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025