Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 86

“You’re welcome. Get better fast, because I seriously doubt I can contain her for long.”

I managed to smile, but it hurt like hell. “Already on it.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


“Are you sure about this?”

There were a lot of things I wasn’t sure about. Staying away from the hospital since Tray’s dad had chased me off was one of them. I hadn’t wanted to make things more difficult on his family, and besides, I didn’t belong in a place like that. I didn’t deserve a place of honor at Tray’s bedside.

I was just the girl who was going to put her own head on the line for him. And would enjoy—in my own sick, twisted way—doing it. The money I hoped to win would be a bonus. A big one, since I still needed it to get me and Carly out of town.

But first, I intended to kick Costas’ ass.

“I’m sure.” I turned sideways and looked at myself in the gym mirror. I wore one of Carly’s V-neck tops. It was bright pink and had some kind of frilly crap on the sleeves. My bulky shoulders made it more snug on me, but I still wouldn’t draw too much attention with my non-impressive cleavage. “Is my shirt tight enough?”

Carly pursed her lips. “I still think you should’ve gone for the socks.”

“Thanks, Sis.” She wasn’t wrong, but it was too late now. I was rocking the tits I’d been born with, and they’d either get the job done or they wouldn’t.

She moved behind me and started fussing with the snaps of my bra under the shirt. “No wonder. You had it on the loosest snaps.”


“Plump the girls, watch the boys’ eyes whirl.” She re-clasped my bra and stepped to the side. “There you go. Much better. Now twist your nipples.”

I tilted my head and tried to ignore the slight warmth in my cheeks. I wasn’t happy I actually looked like I had boobs for once. Absolutely not.

“Hello? Earth to Ame. Nipple twist.”

I was not doing this. I so wasn’t.

Except I was.

“Good job.” She nodded and dug through her makeup bag of tricks. “You need more mascara.” She approached me with the wand of purple gunk, issuing commands for me to “look up” and “look down” and bat my lashes to get the clumpy stuff off. I felt like a cross between a showgirl and a streetwalker, but as long as I got what I wanted, it would all be worthwhile.

Even enlisting my sister to help me, as skeevy as I felt about it. I wanted her far away from this world yet I might as well have offered her an engraved invitation. I hadn’t exactly asked her to come to the gym with me, but I knew my sister. She’d insist on being at my side no matter what. And for once, I was happy not to be alone.

The faster she made me up, the faster this all would be over. For both of us.

Next came glittery eyeshadow and enough lipstick to make me feel like Miley Cyrus’ forgotten twin. Carly fussed with my hair, finally pulling it up in a high ponytail that bounced down my back. It wasn’t all that felt too bouncy. So did my ass in those tiny boy shorts under my super short black mini, also courtesy of my sister.

She took a moment to tie off her hair into two long pigtails and whisk brushes and tubes over her face. Then she turned to me and blinked her enormous blue eyes in silent contemplation.

“Well?” I demanded.

“Almost there. Now you practice the walk. Observe.” She strutted toward the full-length mirror on the opposite wall, pivoted, and walked back. Her hips shimmied to their own beat. “See? Easy. You try.”

I tried to imitate what I’d seen. Carly’s laughter told me I hadn’t succeeded.

“C’mere. Watch me.” She slapped her hands f

lat on the wall, stuck out her butt and swiveled her hips. “If your hips don’t sway right, it all falls apart. Work ’em in a slow circle. Simulate sex.”

“I don’t simulate sex while walking,” I muttered.

She laughed again and guided me over to the wall before fastening her palms to my hips. “Work with me, okay? Follow my hands.”

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025