Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 102

“Now who’s a Neanderthal?” She elbowed me back, but there was no missing her smile. Carly clearly didn’t, because she looked between us as if she couldn’t quite trust what she was seeing.

I knew the feeling. Ever since I’d walked into Mark’s last night, I’d been waiting to wake up and return to the way things were before my injury. I’d caged all the elephants in the room—her nearly telling me about her past, her upcoming fight with that bastard—just to live in denial a little longer. It was worth it.

“So what does the dress-up thing have to do with Costas and Carly?”

Mia averted her gaze. “She offered to go out with him if he fought me.”

“No,” I said immediately. “Not happening. Off the table.”

“Excuse me?” Carly pushed Mia aside and got in my face. Like sister, like sister. “Balling Ame doesn’t mean you have any right to say what I do.”

“You’re about to step on my toe.” I kept my voice mild as I glanced down at Carly’s sharp-heeled boots. “I wouldn’t advise that. I also wouldn’t advise you to insult my relationship with your sister, which isn’t your concern if I’m not allowed to be worried about your welfare.”

She stepped back and angled her head. “I’m not a child.”

“No one said you were.” I gentled my tone. “He’s a prick, Carly, and not because he beat me. I’ve heard some stuff that would change your mind about him.”

“Like what?”

“For one thing, he’s been in prison.” For petty shit, best as I remembered, but I didn’t elaborate. In my mind, being in prison for something small was similar to being a little bit pregnant. Neither status existed.

She tossed a quick glance at Mia. “You’re sure about that?”

“I’m as certain as I can be without seeing his arrest record. He’s also been with a lot of women. He’s not nice about it when he’s done with them either.”

Whether I tacked on that last bit for Carly’s benefit or mine, I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t exactly a saint when it came to women myself. In fact, my relationship with Mia—if it could be called that—was probably the longest I’d ever had.

Forget probably.

“What else?” Carly demanded. “He kicks puppies and robs grannies of their lunch money?”

“Isn’t that enough? You don’t want to get mixed up with him. If you don’t trust your sister’s opinion, trust mine. I know his type.”

“That’s all people are to you? A type?” She looked back and forth between Mia and me. “You don’t think people can change?”

This shit was getting way too deep for this early in the morning. I rubbed my aching sinuses. I’d need another hot shower just to breathe. “I’m giving it to you straight. You do with my advice what you want.”

I wasn’t about to tell her that I didn’t much care if she heeded my warning since I’d be delivering a much stronger version of my speech to Costas very soon.

“Does it hurt a lot?” Carly asked in a small voice. “Your eye?”

I dropped my hand from my head. “Well, it’s not—”

“Yes, it hurts a lot,” Mia interjected. “If I stuck my fist in your eye, would it hurt?”

“I don’t know. How about if I put my fist in your mouth and we’ll see?”


They edged toward each other, fists up. If this had been a porno, it might’ve been hot. In real life, I really didn’t relish trying to separate these two, especially since I only had one intact eye left.

Mia lowered her arms and let them hang at her sides. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

With obvious reluctance, Carly did the same. “You’re worrying for nothing.”

“You’re all I have,” Mia whispered, her voice thick. “I won’t let anyone harm you, ever. If that makes me a horrible big sister because I love you so much, well then, fine.”

Tears welled in Carly’s eyes. “I love you too. You know that.”

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025