Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 104

Mia motioned for me to move back with a wiggle of her coated fingers. “Dinner where?”

“Angotti’s?” I suggested. “Best Italian in the borough.”

“Mine’s better. You’ve never had my Bolognese sauce—”

“Carly Ann?” Mia said sweetly.


“Please butt out.” Mia smeared some of the stuff on my chest. It warmed my skin, but not unpleasantly. “Sandra Bullock?”

Now it was my turn to blink. “Huh?”

“There’s a new Sandra Bullock movie—” She broke off and flushed at my horrified expression. “Never mind. We can go see Turbo Thrust Three.”

“Is that a porn flick?”

By now ignoring Carly was the standard drill. “I can deal with Sandra Bullock,” I muttered, grateful that Slater wasn’t around to hear me turn in my man card.

“Really? Are you sure?” Mia slathered on more goop and swirled her fingers in a fast motion that created more warmth elsewhere. “We don’t have to see that one. I’m okay with the car movie.”

“Car porn.” Carly snorted.

“Angotti’s and Sandra sounds good.” I leaned forward and closed my mouth over hers. Her hands kept moving even while we kissed.

Multitasking made me hot.

Eventually she pulled back, right about when Carly’s distress noises reached critical mass. “I gotta get back to my veggies.”

“Veggies are already chopped, Ame,” Carly replied. “No thanks to you.”

“Your duty with me is done. Thanks, baby.” I lowered my voice. “I’ll remember to actually bring the condoms tonight.” Then I slapped her ass, making her squeal. And grin.

That grin could carry me for days. Maybe weeks. Though I was glad I wouldn’t have to wait that long to see it again.

Two hours later, I strolled into The Cage—minus my shitty eye patch—for the first time in over a week. I couldn’t say I’d missed it.

Joe met me near the entrance. “Hey man. How you doing?”

“Not too bad.” We fist bumped and talked about the usual stuff until Slater appeared, fifteen minutes after I’d asked him to arrive. He wasn’t a morning person, proven by the way he was knuckling his eyes like a cranky five-year-old.

“Is he here?” he asked without preamble.

I smiled at Joe. “My source says he’s in the weight room. Must be our lucky day.”

“What are you boys planning on?” Joe asked, his interest obvious.

“Not boys. Just me. Slater’s here to keep Timmins busy. I don’t need backup.” I clapped Joe on the shoulder and headed toward my target.

Stares followed me, heavier than any weight bar. None of the guys quite knew how to approach me now. I’d never been a loser in their eyes before.

They’d be even more confused about how to approach me once I made my announcement. I’d had a lot of time to think while I’d been laid up. As the days passed, the need for vengeance had passed. Costas had beat me, but all things considered, things were looking up. I didn’t need to prove anything to myself by kicking his ass.

I’d prove a lot more by actually manning up enough to walk.

Costas was doing crunches when I entered the weight room. A couple of guys were doing pull-ups on the opposite side of the room. Otherwise, we had the place to ourselves.

I crouched at Costas’ side and gave him a wide smile. “Hey there. Nice to see you.”

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025