Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 109

“I’m taking a shit if that’s all right with you, Pierce. The laxatives just kicked in.”

I backed into the shadows, tilting my head to get a look at him above the neck. He had dark hair and scruff and wow, what a face. Chiseled. Sexy.


“Then I’d advise you to finish up fast and get out here, because you’ll be out of a job otherwise.” He had a hint of a British accent. Faint, but definitely there. “I don’t tolerate lateness from my employees. Or rudeness.”

“I’m not your employee. Pax hired me, not you.”

“Pax isn’t here any longer. I suggest you catch up with the times, Cavanaugh. You have two minutes.” He walked away, his shoes clicking sharply on the hardwood floor.

Kizzy shot me a furious look and followed him out, banging the door in her wake. I couldn’t help smiling as I finished up and went out to start my workout. Seeing Kizzy so out of sorts amused the hell out of me. Normally she bossed everyone else around, not vice versa.

I worked through a complete circuit on the treadmill, the elliptical, and the rowing machine, then spent some time with the punching bag, working on my kicks in particular. I remembered Tray’s admonition to kick from my hips and practiced until my thigh muscles quivered. I was definitely kicking higher up the bag and with more force. Too bad he wasn’t there to see it.

“Moron.” I could only pant the self-directed insult. “You’ll see him in an hour.”

“Maybe less.”

I went still, a smile forming even before I looked around to check out if I’d imagined that deep, sinful voice. I’d been tempted to keep an eye on the door, telling myself I was just waiting for Kizzy, but I’d talked myself out of it. Hot as hell fighters never struck twice.

Then a pair of strong arms slid around my waist. If I were dreaming, I never wanted to wake up.

“It’s not nice to sneak up on someone.” I couldn’t keep the pleasure out of my voice.

“You were talking about me. I figured it would be rude to keep watching you. Kicks look better, by the way. Good job.” Tray kissed the side of my neck. “But make sure you twist your upper body with the movement. You’ll gain more flexibility.”

“I’m plenty flexible already.”

“No arguments there.” He nipped my jaw. “Miss me? Because I missed you. I watched the clock all day. I even considered going by Vinnie’s to see you in your titty top.”

I elbowed him in the gut. “That’s not a titty top. Jerk.” Then I remembered my animal print panties and the usual heat climbed up my cheeks. “Though I tried to get something for tonight. It didn’t work out. Don’t ask about it. Forget I said anything.”

He laughed. “What?”

“I bought a pair of string bikini panties. But I can’t wear them.”

“You bought string bikini panties? You?”

Frowning, I turned to face him and propped my hands on my hips. “I can do sexy things.” Then I sighed. “No, I really can’t. It was a total fail. It’s not even my size.”

Somehow I cou

ld smile and joke about it, when not only had I wasted money, I’d only bought the wrong thing because of Darren. Everything went back to him eventually. But the past faded when Tray was smiling down at me, looking perfectly delicious in his eye patch and a bright blue sweater that made his other eye seem even bluer.

“You’ll have to model them for me.”

“They’re too big.”

He tugged me close again and nuzzled my neck. “So we’ll tie the strings tighter or something. It’ll be more of a challenge for me to get them off with my teeth.”

I tilted my head to give him more room, then braced. Two chicks had stopped working out to watch us. And giggle. “Tray.”


“We have an audience.”

“Really? That’s hot.” He licked my earlobe.

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025